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  1. HOWsMom

    Rabbits suddenly dying after neighbor watched them!

    Oh, how cute ! I love the darker nose and ears <3
  2. HOWsMom

    How big would a mini-rex / dwarf cross get ?

    The owner of the crossed kits says 2-3 lbs :D
  3. HOWsMom

    16 days and counting

    I don't think she's excited at all ! *LOL*
  4. HOWsMom

    How big would a mini-rex / dwarf cross get ?

    Just curious . . .
  5. HOWsMom

    How difficult is it to find buyers for kits ?

    Thank you everyone ! As I said, this is something for WAY down the road - not now. I was just curious :D
  6. HOWsMom

    Rabbits suddenly dying after neighbor watched them!

    I'm not sure if it would help anyone help you, but could you post a picture that shows your rabbits habitat ? Maybe someone can spot something that way ? Just a thought.
  7. HOWsMom

    Wording when Advertising...

    No idea, but I have to say that I adore the "Cuddly OR Nutrition" wording :D But I realize that there are many in both camps who look down on the other for whatever reason.
  8. HOWsMom

    Will a rabbit go off it's feed moving to a new home ?

    We only have Timothy Hay here right now. Would "Orchard Grass" be okay ? I can usually find that nearby. I think the bunny will be a bit older - but I'm not sure how old exactly, less than a year though.
  9. HOWsMom

    Will a rabbit go off it's feed moving to a new home ?

    I know that my cat and dogs will go off their food for a day or two when we've moved house in the past, my rodents don't care one way or the other, and the fish are little piggies for their food ! But when Bug4H brings her bunny home in a couple of weeks, should we expect it to be off it's food...
  10. HOWsMom

    Critterz Chewzit June Special Offers!

    *IF* Bad Habit is interested, and okay with it - maybe, just maybe, we could each order some and combine the shipping ? We don't live TOO far apart, and I'm sure we could manage to meet up somewhere. But ONLY if Bad Habit is interested and okay with it, that is!
  11. HOWsMom

    any one use Martens Mills?

    This is the specific food that Bug4H is asking about : ... -food.html The analysis for this one is : GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Crude Protein (min.) 12.5% Crude Fat (min.) 2.5% Crude Fibre (min) 20.0% Crude Fibre (max.) 24.0% Moisture (max) 10.0% Sodium...
  12. HOWsMom

    16 days and counting

    Good thing I have a blanket started.
  13. HOWsMom

    Sneak Peek at my new Rex

    Adorable !! I especially like that broken black <3
  14. HOWsMom

    16 days and counting

    tick tock tick tock
  15. HOWsMom

    TSC Cages - downhill

    DUM-mer ? Do-More ?
  16. HOWsMom

    How difficult is it to find buyers for kits ?

    **IF** Bug4H gets a Dutch pair, and was inclined to breed them once or twice a year, how difficult do you experienced people think it would be for her to find homes for the kits ? Dutch is not a popular breed to find locally at all, I don't know if that would be making it easier or more...
  17. HOWsMom

    Rabbit Garden Statues

    I'm all teary eyed reading through the thread on the pearl look-alike statue <3 Such loving sweetness.
  18. HOWsMom

    How frequent is reproductive cancer in rabbits ?

    This is true, and nulliparity is a risk factor in many (most? all?) species where uterine and mammary cancers are concerned.
  19. HOWsMom

    How frequent is reproductive cancer in rabbits ?

    That was what I had a feeling would be the case. And you did nail one of the sites I've seen, not the only one, but they are all ones to push altering pet rabbits. I *do* understand why, but I also hesitate to put a small animal under anesthesia without cause. Both my dogs, and my cat are...