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  1. Rabbit_Luv

    Comment by 'Rabbit_Luv' in media 'nearly white twins'

    <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> Such pretty eyes!!
  2. Rabbit_Luv

    Comment by 'Rabbit_Luv' in media '2010/2011 kits'

    Aww!!!! adorable <!-- s:bunnyhop: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/bunnyhop.gif" alt=":bunnyhop:" title=":bunnyhop:" /><!-- s:bunnyhop: -->
  3. Rabbit_Luv

    help with flemish please

    All of them? That is odd! Are you feeding them grass hay? If so, maybe give them some Alfalfa, too. How many fresh vegetables are they getting?
  4. Rabbit_Luv

    new toy

    :D Cool! :D
  5. Rabbit_Luv

    Rest in Peace Pepper

    :cry: :( I'm so sorry!!
  6. Rabbit_Luv

    Shimo is an odd rabbit

    I love how rabbits can express themselves so much! Some people are just oblivious to how expressive they are. This is a perfect example of just how sweet some rabbits can be.
  7. Rabbit_Luv

    I think momma loves her babies!

    Aww!! So sweet! One of the cutest kits + doe pair I've ever seen!! I think she's catching on to being a mom, too :)
  8. Rabbit_Luv

    you would have laughed

    :lol: I bet it did! :D
  9. Rabbit_Luv

    toenail color

    Black, I ithink