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  1. U

    Table breeding

    I tried holding my one reluctant doe for breeding a couple times with no luck. The doe just clamped her butt on the ground, and the buck was too "shy" to perform, like Miss M's. The way I do it now is to put the doe in with the buck, watch for a few minutes to make sure they're more interested...
  2. U

    Question on Supplementing

    That would make sense. I tried holding her the way katiebear suggested. It seemed like he got some, but still no full belly. I used some powder formula I had laying around, it kept him alive the last couple days but he wouldn't take enough to look full. I went out to the store and picked up some...
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    Question on Supplementing

    She looks like a Dutch, right around 5 1/2 lbs. I was thinking this one just might not be strong enough to get in there when she decides to nurse, since everyone else is chubby and happy. I did try holding her and putting just that one on her, but she's not so big on being handled and didn't...
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    Question on Supplementing

    We have a doe that kindled 6 days ago; there's 7 overall in her litter. When I was doing checks on everyone today I noticed one that was a bit runty, not super small, but not as big. Day 1, I didn't think he was that small compared to the rest. He doesn't look like he's getting as much milk as...
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    Intro & Tattoos

    I understand now. I haven't heard of chipping rabbits, just dogs and cats, that kind of thing. It doesn't sound incredibly pleasant, or even really practical for everyday use. I remember back when I had my 4H rabbits done, they all bled and carried on like we were notching their ears like...
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    Intro & Tattoos

    I'm not actually familiar with chipping. I feel like I should Google it, but I'm a bit scared to now lol
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    Intro & Tattoos

    Hi all, I've come here for advice on random bunny oddities for a little while, but just got around to making an account. Background: I raised Mini-Rex for show when I was younger and in 4H. These days, we've got 3 we use for family meat (feeding kids is expensive! lol). Our buck looks like a...