So tiring trying to use ground anchors. They're all a b*tch and honestly, impossible for me to get right. Idk why nor do I care.
I'm going back to what I always end up using, tposts. Just gotta buy 6 more, found 2 and there's 2 more I can pull up and reuse. Will put one for every single leg. They'll go on the inside so not to be in the way of the walls.

Gotta go up another block to be level broadside....Do I really want to bother...Maybe I'll shovel out the other side instead...ugh.

20×36ft? Tposts keeping it from flying away. Other carports, tposts. Temp shelters, tposts. Shade tarps, tposts. Idk, they seem to work and boy are they easy to get in!