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  1. O

    Questions for people who use a pellet pistol for dispatch please

    Yes I use a co2 powered handgun to dispatch our rabbits. I set them in a pen on the ground. A cardboard box would work also. And aim twards center of forehead. The rabbits die instantly. Then remove the head and set upside down them in a used milk jug cut open to bleed out. While I am skinning...
  2. O

    Ground rabbit sausage

    Yesterday our daughter took all the bags of rabbit meat scraps, belly flap, hearts, kidneys, livers. 5 pounds worth out of the freezer and mixed them with 1 pound of smoked bacon to make breakfast sausage. And it was fantastic !!!!! A great way to use all the trimmings up.
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    Our bucks do not spray
  4. O

    Getting started breeding again

    Thanks for all your advice satin. Having the greenhouse is really nice. Especially with the heat wave we are having. Like 37 above 0. We keep heated water bowls in with our rabbits. I believe that having water full time is important for their health.
  5. O

    Getting started breeding again

    I would like to get our rabbitry running again. We took a year off as we are building a new house. We have 4 does and 2 bucks. We picked up a new Californian buck as an adoption. Our buck, one of our own stock. A blue, didn't want to get the job done. We was over 6-7 months. After missing last...
  6. O

    What breeds for meat AND pet?

    Thank you Aksatin for all your information. I'm not interested in meat and pet rabbits. But I do generally read everything that you write up. It's is always great information and you seem very knowledgeable
  7. O

    What caused your interests in rabbits?

    We homeschooled and animal husbandry is important to us. And to have a meat source that is not as expensive as grocery stores. That was 30 years ago. A couple years ago our daughter, with a son, asked about growing rabbits again. Along with teaching kids how important it is to know how to raise...
  8. O

    Sad About City Code

    Goo Good on you for getting after it. And making the effort, if you don't like how your local or any government entity is doing business. Do something about it. Your on the right track. I'm not a, well don't stick out or government will come down on you kinda guy. This is your government and...
  9. O

    Keeping them hydrated during the frozen months?

    We have electrical 120v heated water bowls. Bought from Amazon. This last time. We had bought the ones from Walmart. Made in the USA. But getting a year out of them was troublesome. The bottom always broke, cracked. So now from Amazon. Don't remember brand but they seem stronger. I built...
  10. O

    Kit Nest boxes and hide boxes in winter

    I kinda like to have hidey boxes for all our rabbits. The does have them nest boxes. And I built small boxes for the bucks. Our winters are long and it gets real cold. For extended periods. I believe that having a box for the rabbits accomplishes several things. First it's warmer. And with them...
  11. O

    What is the most popular breed to be raised for meat?

    My beautiful wife doesn't like red eyed rabbits. So we purchased black New Zealand does. We are linebreeding our rabbits. With the Californian buck, we were able to get lilock colored kits. We now have a cross buck that is blue and a couple blue does. We will be breeding them at the end of...
  12. O

    What is the most popular breed to be raised for meat?

    We raise black New Zealand does and Californian buck. These does average 8 kits per litter. 4 batches of friers. Average weight at 12 weeks growth was 2-1/2#. So near 90# of processed rabbit meat per rabbit. Cost was just unund
  13. O

    What age to dispatch?

    I was just talking to our son about mixing the rabbit entrails, liver heart and kidneys that we have frozen with moose meat and making sausages. He has about 50# of moose meat that still needs to be processed. Probably use a sweet Italian recipe and brats. Mix in ground jalapeño peppers for hot...
  14. O

    What age to dispatch?

    What type of rabbit breed do you have ? And what do you feed. 7-8# is a large fryer. How long do you keep the kits with the doe ?
  15. O

    What age to dispatch?

    I believe that we will start butchering at 10 weeks. Not particularly happy with the texture, toughness of the meat at 12 weeks. Unless we decide to bone out the meat. And then we will probably can it.