It's A Jungle in Here!

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2011
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Pride has moved inside for her quarantine period! Surprisingly, there was nary a peep of protest from Hubs. I wonder if he has developed a mild case of LionHead Lustosis? :hmm:

The "Lioness" meeting the domestic feline...


And the pupples:


Cleaning up afterwards:


Just plain adorable:

You've been here long enough to know better than to post that much cuteness in one thread without warning people!!! I could have hurt myself! :razz:
Perhaps we need another "Post icon" to serve as a warning symbol. It might keep the incidence of Rabbitosis and Lustosis from reaching epidemic proportions. I see we have the Radiation Symbol- something along those lines might serve.

I am glad you escaped unscathed, Miss M. My apologies to you, OAF, for your eyes. Perhaps viewing through a small box with a pinprick hole in it (as for viewing an eclipse) would be prudent in the future. I hope the cucumber compress helped.

There will be another dangerously adorable post shortly of the pupples, if I can get them to sit still.
Where did you get her from? I don't see much of a lionhead in her at all...
But she is cute. Maybe she can pretend she is a puppy and live with them? =D
She's the CL Bunny I posted about. The male has more fur. She seems to have lost the mane she had, but we'll see what her next coat looks like.

I know she doesn't look like the "really good" lionheads, but I'd actually prefer to develop a line that only has the ruff of fur around the head and short hair on the body.

When she was in with the pups, I had to take her out pretty fast- they smelled fur, and thought "MILK" and all came over!
OMG! I just swooned! That last pic was enough to make me need an insulin injection! TOO SWEET!! OMG I love her!!
LOL, olli!

That last pic captures her expressive little face perfectly!

The next round of insulin is on me! :drunk:
How big is she? Most lionheads are pretty small...<br /><br />__________ Sun May 27, 2012 1:03 pm __________<br /><br />Alright, now where to put all the adorables? Both bra cups spoken for...where could I put one of those adorable pupples...."Does this pup make my butt look big?" hehehehe
Depending upon whats in the background as to size. I've seen some *almost* 5lbs while others are tiny at 2lbs and slightly less that were papered purebreds, some from well known lines even so there's a big gap yet sadly with size/final mane/ear/etc. Some very fuzzy double mane juniors can end up being completely bald mane wise by their second senior molt or some might never loose the extra fluff. There are some lines out there that have more 'correct by standard' mane/size/etc in them, but far and few in between with a good sized price tag from what I've seen.

Now, don't be hurt, MamaSheepdog, but you know that any posting of a rabbit would result in a thorough analysis of her heritage and bloodline. She does look like she's got a bit of New Zealand in her maybe.
Cattle Cait":17v49ds6 said:

Now, don't be hurt, MamaSheepdog, but you know that any posting of a rabbit would result in a thorough analysis of her heritage and bloodline. She does look like she's got a bit of New Zealand in her maybe.

Ya think? If so, she will be an even better candidate for the "Leonis Rex" breeding project! :p

I'll have to weigh her. One moment, please... 3lbs 8 oz., born Feb. 14th, so she is 15 weeks and one day old.

Her brother Kingston is getting jealous- "Where are my pictures?" he wants to know.<br /><br />__________ Wed May 30, 2012 3:57 pm __________<br /><br />
Love4Bunnies":17v49ds6 said:

__________ Wed May 30, 2012 4:41 pm __________


Looks like somebunny else is getting a little spoiled, too! :p