I had a very weird rabbit/food dream last night

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Jan 1, 2012
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It was in the fashion of Solient Green...

I was standing in a food line, looking at food behind a glass counter. I remember looking at the meat in particular. Someone comes out, kind of reminded me of John Tesh, and made the announcement that all meat was going to be replaced by artificial meat product in the near future. I though, well hmm, ok then. I'm not sure how long I waited in line, but seemed like no too long after, the John Tesh like fellow came out again, and said it was done. Seemed a bit fast to me. So I go up in line and he says I can get food with a government issued card, but mine didn't work. I remember being happy about it, I told him I got a new job anyway I I didn't need a gov card. Then he put the Spam looking meat on my plate.

Next thing I remember, I was sitting at some cafeteria like table with some folks I assume I knew, but couldn't see, and they were clearly unhappy with the new artificial meat. Then the strangest part happened. I told them I raise rabbits, and I could get them some real meat, rabbit meat if they wanted it. I remember being clearly proud of that fact.

Lol, I don't eat my rabbits, and I don't know anyone offline who does eat rabbit, which is why I found my suggestion even more interesting. How strange. I figured RT people would understand .
:p Wow, what a dream, especially since you don't eat your rabbits!

Who knows... may be a sign of things to come. You may become the local source for rabbit! :)

I saw "imitation pasteurized cheese food" a few weeks ago (IMITATION fake cheese?!?). Reminded me of WWII Europe, when real foods were becoming harder and harder to get. They started making and buying imitations of everything, even seasonings.
I would say that's good for those of us who can't eat dairy but the imitation cheese probably has even worse effects on your health.
Yeah, I go in and out of lactose intolerance. Recently started up again, after not having it for years.

But imitation imitation cheese -- would that be real cheese, then? Like two negatives make a positive?

Funny you should mention Soylent Green, Sky... my kids haven't even seen the movie, but they know enough about it from us, that they bring it up when they see stuff like that "cheese". :lol:
Wow. Your dream made me laugh and shudder at the same time. What I really loved about it is the sense of your personality that came through. We haven't met in person, but your posts seem to be grounded, interested in finding out the reasoning behind decisions, calmly decisive, and with a good eye for stuff that doesn't add up. That's what cracked me.up so much, especially when the John Tesh-esque guy returns immediately with the meat.& dream-Sky thinks it seems a bit fast but gets in line, just to see what happens next. Logic but curiosity, too. Now, coming up with the solution of solving the faux spam-esque stuff by supplying everyone with fresh bunn might seem odd since you don't eat them in reality, but dream-Sky was pretty smart: fresh food, helping a group solve a problem, and taking advantage of a business opportunity when it appeared. :D Let's just hope tonight you don't dream about rabbits being forced to eat fake institution-issued food, then coming up with the idea to eat people instead... :gnight:

Miss M said:
But imitation imitation cheese -- would that be real cheese, then? Like two negatives make a positive?
Miss M":1jpvil89 said:
Funny you should mention Soylent Green, Sky... my kids haven't even seen the movie, but they know enough about it from us, that they bring it up when they see stuff like that "cheese". :lol:

My mom always talks about the movie. I've seen snippets of it, but I haven't seen the end. very creepy.

__________ Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:59 am __________

Miss M":1jpvil89 said:
:p Wow, what a dream, especially since you don't eat your rabbits!

There are about 10 Rex in the side yarn that need to be culled. Roasters mostly. I need to get over my fear of eating raw meat I've handled, and eating things I've seen the insides of. It's really a sensory tactile thing with handling raw meat. As far as the insides, at one point I wanted to be pre-med, and I've been dissecting animals since 6th grade. I have the stomach to eat while I dissect, but not eat what I dissect (crazy huh).

Because of the snow, and the big church meal today, butchering is delayed again, but I plan to butcher all the rabbits as if they are for human consumption, so I can get my mind in the frame that I am not dissecting, I am preparing food.

I do think ARs and PETA will prevail, or the artificial mindset will take over and eventually, there will be no real meat left for us carnivores. <br /><br /> __________ Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:07 am __________ <br /><br />
the reluctant farmer":1jpvil89 said:
Let's just hope tonight you don't dream about rabbits being forced to eat fake institution-issued food, then coming up with the idea to eat people instead... :gnight:

My new word for the month: creepy :bunnyhop:
Sky, it would be very nice for you to be able to eat your culls. It may help you to have the meat table ready and then freeze it for a few weeks before you cook it. A bit of time makes a great buffer! Good luck with getting past your aversion. :good-luck:
Whoa- what a dream! :x I can't help but think it was prophetic. :eek:

Featherhoof":3k2qc0le said:
I had to look up what Soylent Green is.

I had to look up John Tesh! :oops:

MaggieJ":3k2qc0le said:
It may help you to have the meat table ready and then freeze it for a few weeks before you cook it.

Yep. Then it will look just like store bought chicken. :)
If all else fails, you can make bunny burger. It's delicious and works in all ground turkey or pork recipes.
After a few weeks it will be hard to associate it with the animals you butchered, and it's a nice pet food ingredient too.
Zass":2rbht0xn said:
it's a nice pet food ingredient too.

I've been feeding my dogs raw the past 7 years. The four of them ate about two hundred and forty pounds of meat each month, mostly chicken. After a while, I found I just couldn't eat chicken anymore. those dogs eat better than I do. <br /><br /> __________ Thu Apr 17, 2014 1:40 pm __________ <br /><br />
Zass":2rbht0xn said:
If all else fails, you can make bunny burger. It's delicious and works in all ground turkey or pork recipes.
After a few weeks it will be hard to associate it with the animals you butchered, and it's a nice pet food ingredient too.

I don't have a grinder. I don't even have a stove. :oops:

Today is the day...
The grinder was expensive, and it still wouldn't tackle bones to make the best pet foods.
It's the kind that will grind up a whole deer in a 1/2 hour though, important with the amount of hunted game and cull livestock that find their way to me.

I like to feed my own dogs rabbits skinned out(head left on), stomach and intestines removed, organs returned and frozen solid, so they have to take their time and chew all those bones up.
They don't get the guts cause they are house dogs, and one sleeps in the bed with us. :roll:

The cats like the minced rabbit meat quite a bit, and some people prefer the ground meat for cooked pet food recipes. I'd sell rabbit meat for pet food that way if I ever produced enough for more than our own consumption. Older rabbits go into the grinder, their bones into the stock pot.

We usually have a few people on a waiting list for rabbit meat (sold by live weight, and butchered as a free service, as required by my state) Oh, and another person willing to pay for a dispatch and butcher demonstration(with some meat to take home, of course!) He's interested in raising his own buns, but wants to see it all done and taste the rabbits first. Smart fellow.

Seems like there are always more outlets for rabbit products than live rabbits., even if you can't stand to eat them yourself.

I couldn't eat the first wild game animals I butchered.
These guys eat it all, fur on, guts and all.
I've never fed them ground, I think they get more satisfaction ripping the meat off the bone, or grinding it down with their teeth. When the Shepherds lived in the house, I've never had them destroy anything, I think the meaty bones satisfied their need to rip and chew.

Only one comes in the house now. She is not allowed to eat inside, because she removes the meat from the bowl and goes into the cream carpeted living room. There is nothing worse than blood on the paws. (before then, they ate in crates, unaltered males + food = fight)

The cat, well he won't touch anything but cat food. Tried it for a month and a half. Just not worth the effort.

I would sell too, but there is never enough rabbit for my three alone. Even though it seems like I have a lot of kits, and I do, staggered they way they are, it's nothing compared to what they eat. About 240lbs of meat a month, and maybe 20lbs is rabbit. Since I haven't tried, I have no idea what the marker its. I never see rabbit meat advertised anywhere.
Definitely a psychic premonition of what will be happening in the post apocalyptic future— people with rabbits, like you, will become the savours of mankind. Reading your dream made me start humming the twilight zone theme song. :baby04: