Updating some pics.
Gotta get pics of the other doe I kept to compare. Loving her shape. Probably the best yet.
View attachment 35499
Gotta get pics of the other buck I kept to compare.
View attachment 35500
The cull doe, kept the brother, but has good shape. Need to pose the brother. Decent silvering in the pattern.
View attachment 35501
The weird shaped buck
View attachment 35502
Choc mutt.
View attachment 35503
The others.
Honkin' potatoes! Almost couldn't get them in the frame.

Sister to a choc, had kept back 2 blk & 1 choc, this black won of the 2 blk.

He was bracing so hard! Will have to work with him awhile to get a decent pic...

Yeah, these two older Rex are culls. But bred them together & waiting to see what she has.

So, weird buck, the older Rex buck & doe, after/if she kindles, are going to FC.