flystrike/open wound - help?!

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Well-known member
May 24, 2012
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I check him every day or two because he has a chronic dirty butt, but they hit him anyway. This morning I caught him making a funny face, checked, and YIKES.
I've cleaned out as much as I can, but there's still some super tiny maggots in there. I rinsed it a couple times with peroxide and salt water to try to kill them, sprayed with Vetericyn and smeared on some triple antibiotic. I'm not sure what else there is to do other than check him every few hours and apply more. Blu-Kote? Iodine? Any suggestion?


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Maybe try and comb them out, unless they're on the skin and not the fur
(By the way is that a Himi ND?)
Any maggots in there are going to cause problems. You need to get them ALL out.

And trim all that nasty wet fur off even if you have to shave him down to the skin, get him in an area with NO hard surfaces to sit on with EXCELLENT ventilation.
Maybe try and comb them out, unless they're on the skin and not the fur
(By the way is that a Himi ND?)
He is!

I've washed and picked out all I can find and have been checking him every other hour or so to pick off any of the minuscule stragglers. I think the bugs are gone but I'm still checking to see if any more have popped up. He's in a cage lined in paper towels over a towel to keep him dry and out of bedding so he doesn't get shavings in the wound. I'm working on getting the fur trimmed away in sessions and keeping the exposed muscle a little moist with occasional sprays.

He still has an appetite at least. Poor baby is really grumpy but still wants his oats.

I'm glad he's doing well
He's so pretty 🥺
Looks a lot like my Buck Jeff16607932814392368931258841263423.jpg
(Also I have the same blue house thing)16607933415618523090157961411659.jpg
Treat him with Ivermectin as soon as you see evidence of fly strike. You'll need to check the correct dosage for a bunny as small as yours. There's more dosage information at Ivermectin for rabbits?. It makes a huge difference, as it will kill any maggots that try to attack your rabbit. For bunnies with messy-butt, many breeders will use Ivermectin monthly as a preventative (same treatment used to eliminate fur mites).
You would be surprised how quickly the bunny can recover from flystrike, once the maggots are gone. Even when it just looks like raw meat, they heal quickly, will grow new skin and even new hair. Soon, you'd never know they ever had such an ordeal, it's like a miracle.
Just for a small update, he seems to be recovering!
Triple antibiotic and vetericin spray barely kept it in check long enough for supplies to arrive in the mail.
It's been kept hydrated with hydogel and bandaged with duoderm for a few days now with bandage changes a couple times a day, plus gentle wipedowns with iodine to try to keep the area clean. He's taking it in stride.
He's always been an extremely picky eater and is still off his feed, with the exception of fresh hay and spring mix salad. He'd been dehydrated from waterbottles just sucking at keeping bunnies hydrated, which I suspect is why his pee had gotten so messy, but his system seems to be getting cleaned out now that he has a bowl of water. His poos and pees are looking good now.
I'm hoping to get the wound glued shut soon to speed up the healing.
Wonderful news that he is recovering. We've seen this issue occasionally over the last four decades in sheep and rabbits, and found that once the source of the problem was dealt with, and the maggots gone, that it would scab over and heal on its own quite nicely. It is always like a miracle to see savaged skin return fresh and new, and new hair regrow as if nothing had ever happened. It sounds like you've done a fabulous job with your bunny.
hmm...I have no idea how or if I can edit a past post to edit the title.

anywho, bunny butt update. I finally got some of it to stay glued shut as it has been for some days now, but the stubborn area is decreasing in size by the day. The stained fur is iodine. There seems to be new pale fleshy growth in the open area, but I've not seen any sign of puss so I'll take that as a good sign. He's eating well and perky.
He associates booty cleaning time with play time now so he's always overeager to be released onto the bed to get to run around and have endless petting. lol He's doing great!



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