What Makes Rabbit Teeth Continuously Grow?

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Rabbit Talk Supporter
Feb 3, 2022
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North Idaho, USA
Rabbits have aradicular hypsodont teeth (also known as elodent dentition) meaning that they have permanent teeth that continuously grow/erupt, and don't establish anatomical roots. This applies to both their incisor and molar teeth. The growth is held in balance by dental abrasion, unidirectional progression of the molars, and the biomechanics of the jaw. Prolonged chewing of an abrasive diet causes rapid tooth wear. This is why rabbit teeth need to grow all of the time. I know the why, but not the how, so my question is: What makes rabbit teeth grow the way they do? Is it the same as with rodents where enamel + dentin are produced by the enamel organ and growth is dependent on the presence of stem cells, genome amplification, and cellular maturation? Or something else???
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