Calming a charging doe, while creating 3 more

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Jul 1, 2012
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- I had not been able to find a lop doe for my male, so when I found this doe with questionable confirmation, and a disposition, that made a moray eel seem placid, I still got her.
- She is a shade under 5lbs but the only cage open was an large meat rabbit cage. After a week of being charged at, but when caught, the little lop being a sweet heart, I had the bright idea of putting her in a small cage that had all of one side as a door. Since she did not think she had so much territory to defend, she stopped charging the bowls every time I changed them out. She also seems happier!

On to, why I have 3 does mad at me.
- All the rabbits seemed happy for several days, with three of my does demanding scratches at feeding time, and one of them will run around her cage if I do not stop to pet her when ever I go by. While they were happy, I have been mopping. My two bred does, did not take. Yesterday seemed like good day to breed all seven does, and I witnessed four confirmed fall offs, so I have hope, that next month will see popples!
- After all rabbits were back in their cages, I started around with an oat treat and 2 of my favorite does grunted and charged me, while the third one went into a corner and kept her back to me. All three of those does, had confirmed fall offs, which means I do not have to ration their feed and I have hopes of getting off of their short list, soon.
The fourth confirmed fall off, was my (formerly grumpy) lop doe.
- Will be looking forward to REW 5lb Satins, 5lb B/W Dutch, 5lb Blue Dutch w/Blue eyes, BKN Lops, Red Mini Rex, and have hopes that the other two does took. :)
Smart move about the charging doe putting her in a smaller area. She seems less stress with smaller space.

Fingers crossed for all your does you bred. Hoping for easy deliveries and lots of healthy popples! Look forward to many popple pics in a month!

My does always get mad at me after being thrown to the buck!

I always go for three fall offs per doe, just to make sure. But if you only have one buck, that would make him a very busy guy! Do they make Viagra for rabbits?
Mary Ann's Rabbitry - I hope so. Wanted to start with NZ and only found one doe, the same breeder had a variety of breeds and I am having fun deciding which one I like the best. Does seem strange (with what I know know) to have 6 different bucks, but that was what I wanted then. :)

ZRabbits - Thank You, will be keeping fingers and toes crossed that they take this time. Hoping that the only reason they did not take last time, was the end of summer heat.

Diamond - The does were with the bucks for 2 to 3 hours. I would do nails, check body, check tail end, check teeth then ears, and then in with the buck. I was graced to observe some does racing around bucks (are there rabbit olympics for racing) while he would try to catch them. I did also luck out, and saw a few fall offs. Had some very tired bucks. Do not know if the bucks actually equipment was working (by then) but if they did catch the doe, they were doing the moves - enthusiastically! :)<br /><br />__________ Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:20 am __________<br /><br />- If I have enough open holes, next time I am going to house bucks and does by each other, and see if it was the breeding, or being put in the buck's cage. Any other ideas? Maybe the does were not as ready as I thought?
- my lop buck is so laid back, it took him an hour after being put in the cage, even with the doe laying on him and then next to him, before he did the deed.
I hope you get lots and lots of popples. :D and maybe the crazy lop doe will stay calm now. Still I'd be careful reaching in to check popples next month.
tm_bunnyloft - Thank You! I need to think of a name for her. Psyco, sound right? I may see about fostering her popples, to another doe... !