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Oct 4, 2014
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central New York
The growing season here in north central NY is over, the ice is starting to form along the edges of the ponds, and we're in our second week of growing out wheat fodder for the rabbits. Just finished the last fresh shiitake this week, finished sorting the carrots and storing them in the root cellar, pressed one last batch of cider Thursday. But I was thinking how folks post in the spring about what they are planting (and how envious I am of those of you who are planting in February and March!) and wondering when your growing seasons stop and how this year was for others.

We had bumper crops of shiitake, potatoes, peppers, eggplant, and carrots. Our first year growing sweet potatoes and we had a satisfactory harvest--would have been better if we hadn't let a huge amaranth and a couple sunflowers grow from volunteer seeds from the compost. Our tomatoes never got late blight this year. The cukes and squash vines had a short run this wet summer, but we had beautiful lettuce and other greens from May to early November. There was enough of a dry stretch to get the onions and garlic pulled. We still have some kale and brussels sprouts in the garden and have lettuce, kale, chard and tatsoi growing in our little greenhouse. Our freezers are full--berries, apples, eggplant, peas, pesto, peppers, pork and (of course) rabbit. The pantry is full--applesauce, green beans, tomatoes, lard. Lots of dried shiitake and tomatoes.

I'd enjoy hearing about your growing season if it's wound down and you have time to post.


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My! My! Don't all those vegetable looks wonderful! Thanks for posting this, Rainey. :)

No harvest here, except a bit of catnip for Jenny :catmoon: and some sage from our ancient sage bush. Must be at least fifteen years old. We've officially given up trying to plant a kitchen garden or raise critters, except for our remaining goose and her five companion chickens. But that makes it especially nice to hear (and see) what other folks are doing. :)
our season is only just starting here in texas! my fall garden (zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, japanese eggplant, various cherry tomatoes, green beans) is already starting to produce flowers, and my cherry tomatoes have a few little greens on them. we don't frost til like, january usually, and in summer everything dries up and dies, so fall/early winter is the best time to grow stuff :p

i hope i am able to get enough from my plants before we hike it up to washington, lol. i don't know if they'd appreciate the sudden change in climate.
Looks a little more diversified than my take this year. I got ~4lbs of raspberries and ~20 white acorn squash (each in the ~2lb+ range), mostly. Then I had a smattering of my "weird" vegetables, for example, I grew a (tiny) watermelon this year!

Well done!

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