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  1. quintex

    New Pup (Round 2)

    What sort of methods did you try to use to fix Maggie's chicken killing?
  2. quintex

    broken color not healthy?

    I think it is specifically charlies that have the digestive issues..don't quote me though. Charlies only come from broken x broken breedings.
  3. quintex

    New camera on the horizon!

    The camera is only as good as its operator! I have 2 Nikon DSLRs, an old D2h and now a D7000. If you are getting a DSLR, be aware that quality of lenses does have an effect on image quality. Try to pick which brand of lenses you want to be stuck with then decide brand lol.
  4. quintex

    Websites - Feedback?

    Does offer a non flash site? A lot of devices can't see flash on the web. HTML ones can be just as easy to create/edit.
  5. quintex

    Vintage rabbit photos

    You are right that they haven't changed much! They are still a dual breed with lots of DCs. Here are a few more! All of the GSP photos are from Germany. Here is a random collie one Unfortunately I've not been able to find many Malinois photos. Some that look like they could be mals or...
  6. quintex

    Vintage rabbit photos

    I found them on ebay. Some were cheap and others not so much. I'm trying to figure out a way to display them without causing any damage to them. Also, some of these photos are REALLY small.. one is as small as 1.5"x1.5" so it would need to be displayed with a magnifying glass LOL. Here is a...
  7. quintex

    Vintage rabbit photos

    I've recently started collecting vintage/antique photos of rabbits and certain dog breeds. Though I'd share some of the rabbit ones with you guys! This one is a press photo from 1943 All of the remaining photos are from Germany.. Harlequins
  8. quintex

    pedigree programs

    I had been wanting a web based program to keep track and GlobalPedigree is great! I'd have never known about this if you hadn't posted. Thanks!!
  9. quintex

    i'm on youtube :)

    Those videos are great! I've considered getting goats when I move and think pack goats are awesome. What breeds are your goats and how old are they? On average, how far can a pack goat travel in one day?
  10. quintex

    sooooo....who here has the most rabbits? lol

    I currently have 4 Bucks 2 Jr Bucks 8 Does 1 Jr Doe No babies right now.. though hopefully some in a month :P .
  11. quintex

    My pelts turned out great!

    Do you have any photos of the hides, Dana? Also, how long did the whole process take for you?
  12. quintex

    Canaan Dogs

    There are no guarantees that any dog or breed should be OK with other dog since they are, after all, individuals. But I wouldn't be so quick to call an under socialized dog aggressive. Fear can make dogs do interesting things. I've actually hunted over fox hounds, so I have a little insight...
  13. quintex

    Canaan Dogs

    I have no experience with Canaans, but dog aggression and small animal aggression are not socialization issues. Those are traits common in many breeds.
  14. quintex

    I think I've pulled a 180 about 'animal rescue'

    I agree with other posters feelings in that puppies from good breeders are the way to go. I recently got an older puppy and even she has a buttload of issues to work through -- mostly due to fears stemming from lack of proper early socialization. Had I just started with a puppy from scratch I...
  15. quintex

    MI Search & Rescue

    I should have said heavily ticked black tri.. mostly from the angle of the photo, she didn't look like a merle to me. Like merle, ticking is a pattern and not a color. Here is my heavily ticked liver GSP as an example. Yeah, I just assumed from the face she had a lot of ticking since I'm so...
  16. quintex

    MI Search & Rescue

    I know someone that does SAR with her dogs. Be prepared to work a lot with whatever you get, and if you are going to be serious about it get a good dog from health tested parents. Do you have any previous dog training experience? TariLynn - from the photo your Aussie looks like she is a...
  17. quintex

    I've been spoiled!

    Where is the timothy that you found? I have been looking for some timothy in the area, though the $50 a bale is pretty rough. I went on craigslist and found this ad and considering driving out there for some.
  18. quintex

    How do I deal with this injury?

    Okay, sounds good.. that is pretty much what I thought I should do and he/she (I haven't bothered really checking yet). I separated the litter once I realized what happened. I was actually hoping to keep this one.<br /><br />__________ Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:23 am __________<br /><br /> I do have...
  19. quintex

    How do I deal with this injury?

    Hey guys.. I have an 8 week old kit who got in a fight with his littermate. The injury is under the eye and the eye itself does not appear to be damaged, just some skin torn off around the eye. Sorry for taking the worst pictures ever but I didn't want to stress him out more than he already...
  20. quintex

    My new pup :)

    Hehe, she is actually a REALLY easy dog for a Mal..definitely not typical. I'd go so far as to say anyone could live with her. She is very much a diet Malinois. Easier than my last GSP was as a pup. Here are some more recent photos of her :)