Would you keep this Holland Lop buck?

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Cedar Point Rabbitry

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2015
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Would you? Or would you keep a buck that's a full brother to this doe over here? post276108.html#p276108

Reasons for considering keeping this fellow (Shandy) is he's fully pedigreed, got the sweetest personality, and his the only buck I have out of my old herdsire. (and I don't know how long he's gonna hang out here ;))
BUT, type wise he's not great, and he's related to 4 out of my 5 does, via the sire. Would you even consider keeping a buck that is related to that many of your does?
I would not keep this buck as a breeder

As you mentioned, he's got very poor form, especially his head, and looks over sized- what is his weight? - neither of which you want to pass on especially if he is related to the females. By inbreeding you will be "fixing" these faults into the next generations making it harder to weed them out even when bred to a better looking rabbit.

From my understanding of your previous posts you are more focused on show quality and breeding to this guy will not help in that area

Unfortunately most rabbit buyers do not consider temperament when choosing a Holland Lop - in a aside by side comparison a lovey, cuddly, kissy rabbit with poor form (especially if the ears are poor) will get passed over for a more aloof bunny that is a better match to the Holland Lops seen on the Internet