Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2012
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Orangeville, Ontario
I read to put apple cider vinegar in the rabbit's water, so I bought some... But cannot remember what exactly it's for.

How much ACV to how much water? My bucks have a 250ml bowl, and the girls have a 625ml bowl for water. I refill the bowls 2 - 3 times a day, depending how much they drink/spill.

Is it safe to give to pregnant does?

What are the benefits?

I've never had ACV before, but I was told it smells awful. My ladies didn't like orange Gatorade, so I don't see how they'd bother drinking something that smells bad.

I just opened the bottle. It hardly smells. Then I took a better look at the bottle and noticed it said "Cider Vinegar" with a picture of apple, as oppose to Apple Cider Vinegar. It says "contained 5% acetic acid by volume". So, are Cider Vinegar and Apple Cider Vinegar the same thing?
you'll tend to find that rabbits like ACV.

rate is 1 tbsp/gallon. There are folks who use a higher rate but I find this rate works well.

why do I use it?
keeps bacterial growth down in the bottles (ergo less cleaning)
helps with entropathic issues.
the rabbits like it so they drink more.
It also makes their pee not smell as bad. And yes, it's safe to give to pregnant does.
I have found it is easer to mix the ACV in a gallon milk jug, just put a tablespoon in the jug then fill it up, all my rabbits love it so do my chicken's, cavy, rats, hamster, and even my dogs.
ACV is a great item to ad to water becouse it has a ton of benifits like 'trinityoaks' said thier pee doesnt smell as bad, does that are nursing produce more milk, and it seems that the kits grow faster as well, this is just from years of personal experaments
Pink":3lpl8ta6 said:
I read to put apple cider vinegar in the rabbit's water, so I bought some... But cannot remember what exactly it's for.

How much ACV to how much water? My bucks have a 250ml bowl, and the girls have a 625ml bowl for water. I refill the bowls 2 - 3 times a day, depending how much they drink/spill.

Is it safe to give to pregnant does?

What are the benefits?

I've never had ACV before, but I was told it smells awful. My ladies didn't like orange Gatorade, so I don't see how they'd bother drinking something that smells bad.

I just opened the bottle. It hardly smells. Then I took a better look at the bottle and noticed it said "Cider Vinegar" with a picture of apple, as oppose to Apple Cider Vinegar. It says "contained 5% acetic acid by volume". So, are Cider Vinegar and Apple Cider Vinegar the same thing?

That bottle may be a mix of vinegars. Check the ingredients list.

I like to use raw ACV -- Braggs is one brand. It still has the "Mother" in it which is the brown tendrils you will see. There is a risk of some clogging using this so you will need to watch for that. The benefit is the probiotics from the Mother along with the other benefits already mentioned.
Frecs":3tit2k2g said:
That bottle may be a mix of vinegars. Check the ingredients list.

I like to use raw ACV -- Braggs is one brand. It still has the "Mother" in it which is the brown tendrils you will see. There is a risk of some clogging using this so you will need to watch for that. The benefit is the probiotics from the Mother along with the other benefits already mentioned.

There are no brown tendrils. And there isn't a list of ingredients either... It just says "Made in Canada, from domestic and imported ingredients".

Ugh. So annoying!

Where can I find Braggs or other brands with "mother" in it? The bottle I purchase was the closet thing to apple cider vinegar I could find at my grocery store.
Apple cider vinegar is the only vinegar I use with our own food. White vinegar is a dilution of Acetic acid (made by Monsanto or some other chemical company) which is diluted with water to 5%. Is it any wonder that I only use this for cleaning and don't put it in my food?

One has to watch the label for "apple cider vinegar" carefully. It doesn't really make any difference if it is made from apple juice or "apple juice concentrate", what one wants to look for is if it says (in small print) "flavored" Apple cider flavored vinegar is just the white chemical company stuff with apple flavoring mixed in.
Pink":1xj00iox said:
There are no brown tendrils. And there isn't a list of ingredients either... It just says "Made in Canada, from domestic and imported ingredients".

Ugh. So annoying!

Where can I find Braggs or other brands with "mother" in it? The bottle I purchase was the closet thing to apple cider vinegar I could find at my grocery store.

Do you have a Health Food Store...a organic Coop...someplace that sells natural foods and supplements? That is what you want to look brother calls such places the "hippie stores". :roll:
Frecs":3dj34qlx said:
Do you have a Health Food Store...a organic Coop...someplace that sells natural foods and supplements? That is what you want to look brother calls such places the "hippie stores". :roll:

None that I know of -- I just moved to this area.

There's an organic mart where I used to live, I've never be inside so I don't know what they carry. Oriental superstore perhaps? They carry lots of herbs and natural supplements. I'll be in the area next week, so I'll be sure to stop by and see what I can find.

Mmmm... I guess I shouldn't give anyone the "cider vinegar" then? Just wait until I get the real stuff?
If you use bottles, the ACV with the "mother" in it will clog up the nozzles and gunk up the bottles. At least it did for me. Better to use it in crocks...
OneAcreFarm":1rt9xme4 said:
If you use bottles, the ACV with the "mother" in it will clog up the nozzles and gunk up the bottles. At least it did for me. Better to use it in crocks...

Only Buberry has a bottle, the Zealands use bowls/crocks. Buberry won't drink from a bowl.<br /><br />__________ Mon May 07, 2012 3:21 pm __________<br /><br />
Frecs":1rt9xme4 said:
Pink":1rt9xme4 said:
Mmmm... I guess I shouldn't give anyone the "cider vinegar" then? Just wait until I get the real stuff?

good question...I don't know the answer to that one....

Well the ingredients aren't listed, it could very well be diluted white vinegar with food coloring.

Is white vinegar safe? I've read on other forums that it's toxic, while other people say they use it and haven't had problems.
Pink. I use to use this stuff all the time. You get at the health food store. It says organic from Braggs and on the bottle it say with mother. YOu have to make sure you shake the bottle everytime you use it. But.....When i used it for 4 months. I didnt find any inprovement in my herd on it. The bucks still stink. You also have to be very careful that you dont change there ph level to much or you can have problems . To much of a good thing can go wrong. I was putting 1 tablespoon to 5 gallons of water. Allot of the rabbits will not drink as much because of it. There is no proof of this stuff working on the rabbits. And it is costly to buy if you have allot of rabbits. At that time i had over 200 rabbits and i was going through a big jug of it a month. The cost was about 26 dollars for each jug. ... negar.html
We use the Apple Cider Vinegar from walmart. The ingredient listing says Ingredients "apple cider vinegar" period. We use it at the rate of 2 Tablespoons per gallon. And it costs less than $4 a gallon.

Our rabbits drink well, they produce well, they are healthy and bounce around. YMMV of course !

( i am beginning to hesitate to say what we use as i have been told that it simply cannot be doing what i claim because it doesn't have the 'mother' in it. This does work for i said YMMV.)

(now, once again heading to my snug little cave.... :hiding: )
random rabbit...mine is EXACTLY the same thing, and yes, it does the trick quite nicely doesn't it?

though there are many who say it doesn't do a thing. :)

I figure it doesn't hurt 'em. And it if helps 'em.. more power to it. :)
Mary Ann's Rabbitry":36q8fp74 said:
Pink. I use to use this stuff all the time. You get at the health food store. It says organic from Braggs and on the bottle it say with mother. YOu have to make sure you shake the bottle everytime you use it. But.....When i used it for 4 months. I didnt find any inprovement in my herd on it. The bucks still stink. You also have to be very careful that you dont change there ph level to much or you can have problems . To much of a good thing can go wrong. I was putting 1 tablespoon to 5 gallons of water. Allot of the rabbits will not drink as much because of it. There is no proof of this stuff working on the rabbits. And it is costly to buy if you have allot of rabbits. At that time i had over 200 rabbits and i was going through a big jug of it a month. The cost was about 26 dollars for each jug. ... negar.html

I used it for five months and saw no improvement either. I am very familiar with the product, used it for many different applications, including the dog's baths and in their drinking water, and to control scalp itching on myself. I've increased and decreased the dosages. What I have is two dead rabbits, three dead kits, and two that recovered. Changing the pH can be very tricky, so I'm going back to my basic routine.
A) "Cider" is simply apple juice or a very slightly fermented variety of apple juice with low alcohol content ~2%.

B) "Real" apple cider vinegar may be fermented from apple juice or cider.

C) The "mother" is a combination of cellulose particles from the apples that were floating around in the vinegar and the bacteria that caused the vinegar to ferment in the first place. Anaerobic {bacteria} fermentation of a liquid with sugar (eg. fruit juice)in it produces alcohol such as wine or "hard" {high alcohol} cider. Aerobic fermentation {bacteria} of a liquid with sugar in it or ethyl alcohol produces acetic acid, flavored from the original ingredients)

D) There is no advantage to the "mother" unless one wants to ferment more vinegar. There are (usually) no harmful bacteria in the mother either as most harmful bacteria can not survive in vinegar acid (ergo why one can "cold pack" tomatoes, but not squash which must be pressure canned, as tomatoes are sufficiently acidic to prevent the establishment of botulism bacteria, etc.)

E) Lactobaccillis sp. and other cheese/yoghourt bacteria are valuable because they are able to exist in the gut with no harm, and therefore deprive harmful bacteria of good sites to colonize on their way through the digestive tract. The bacteria in "mother" do not fulfill this criterion.

Whether vinegar in the water is beneficial or not and at what concentration I will let each of you to decide on your own.
I think the natural ACV with the mother is probably the best to use, but it isn't always feasible. Read the label on the regular stuff from the grocery. If it says "apple cider vinegar" then that should be what it is. If it says "apple cider flavoured" then it's anybody's guess. There may be a difference in what is allowed in Canada compared to the United States.

Mary Ann, I tablespoon to five gallons is very little... perhaps that is why it didn't help. 1-2 tablespoons per gallon is what I have used.

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