Young buck fertility ?

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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2010
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Im starting to think ive got a blank shooter or maybe he is still to young as im guessing his age based on when i got him and his weight. The one in Question was a doe turned into a buck. He is a califorina, nzw mixed and i think he has some lop in him somewhere. About 2 months ago i let him experiment with a nzw doe and he did fall of her but being he was 4 months bred her to my other nzw buck figured if he did do the deed some of those babys would get some grey on there ears. So far at 3 weeks no color all look pure nzw. I then breed him a month ago to 2 more does both lifted for him 1 was a virgin doe the other had 1 litter with me a month before. Both missed so i weighed him yesterday he weighs 8 pounds so im guessing he is atleast 6 to 7 months old. I would like to keep him as he looks like he will grow into a monster of a buck but cage space is tight. And i sell to a place that expects fryers every month so if he is no go i could try to buy a new buck to replace him. I did try to bred a doe to him yesterday and all he did was nibble on her and clean her though she was raising for him after and hour of this i moved her over to the other buck who made quick work of getting the deed done. ive got 3 more does due to him all virgin does all would not raise so i left them together over night and hoped for the best. But he has had at lest 2 strikes as i did see him do the deed. Everything is breed and due at the end of this month or the beginning of next month so i could use him to breed to a few does for December Babys. I hate to hang onto a buck thats no good for that long. But if it possible he was to young i might. I have a buck that is 2 months old he was going to be my 3rd and last buck. But know i might need to scramble for a adult buck. I only have 14 does but i like to have atleast 4 litters together at a time so need atleast 2 working bucks. So now with all my rambling do you think he is to young even though he froze and fell of 3 does 2 which missed the 3rd looks like a miss to though he was young. I have a friend tell me if you see them doing the deed he should be able to produce babies her opinion is he is no good.
14 Does, need two Bucks? Not necessarily,
you are not breeding all fourteen Does in the same day, are you?
Your Buck can easily handle four Does a day if need be.
I would just breed three Does one Day and a few days later three more.
This way you could hold off on getting another Buck and be able to cull
the lazy Buck if he proves to be useless.
I would try to retain a Buck from one or two of the litters
for future replacement. I hope your better quality Buck proves himself
worthy of a spot in the herd.
I think you may need to check and see if your buck has a split penis. If the person who originally sexed him as a doe is pretty good at that, then the odds are high he does have a split P. Nine out of ten times a split P buck is first thought to be a doe early on as the split makes them look more doe-like. They are inherited and while not a "health" issue, ARE a huge issue for fertility as most of the time these bucks are unable to locate the sperm where it needs to be. If not that then he may have been a little young yet.
I know i need one but since im growing my herd will be up to 25 does by January. I was wanting 2 bucks to give me some diversity in my herd. My main buck is not the best a bit on the small size and he does not put up with unwilling does. He will dig at her in attempt to get them to raise. Looks like a blizzard of hair in his cage if i leave a doe longer then a half hour. I guess my big problem is my bucks are not the greatest and i want better. And with 1 not working yet or unable to im just getting frustrated. I want a good buck know not later lol. Can you tell im a patient person lol. Im the one that sexed him i guess i was not good. i will go see if he has a split p.
I was reading something about grape pomace (skin and seeds) being fed to males.... Ill see if I can find some info later in the week. I have read a few places that fruit smoothies fed to male humans increases sperm count- I know rabbits are sensitive to too much fruit- but maybe upping green vegetables (leaves, cabbage, celery, carrots) for 2-3 days before breeding may give him a boost- Ill bet MaggieJ knows more about this subject
randtrabbitry":22r3jfef said:
I know i need one but since im growing my herd will be up to 25 does by January. I was wanting 2 bucks to give me some diversity in my herd. My main buck is not the best a bit on the small size and he does not put up with unwilling does. He will dig at her in attempt to get them to raise. Looks like a blizzard of hair in his cage if i leave a doe longer then a half hour. I guess my big problem is my bucks are not the greatest and i want better. And with 1 not working yet or unable to im just getting frustrated. I want a good buck know not later lol. Can you tell im a patient person lol. Im the one that sexed him i guess i was not good. i will go see if he has a split p.

Why do you leave the Doe in with the Buck for such a long time?
When you place the Doe with the Buck things should take place in less than 5 minutes.
Doe you check the Doe and buck prior to placing them together?
If the Doe is slightly swollen and bright Red to Purple in color she will breed.
If she is shriveled and light pink in color she will not breed.
If you bring the Doe to the Buck for up to four days in a row,
within that time frame she will breed.
If it is a split P CULL him and get or borrow another Buck.
Its to hard for me to do a check they hate being handled as it is. And trying to flip a big bunny like that is next to imposable for me. I just put them in with the buck until they mate. I have been trying the normal 3 to 4 days but i guess with the temps and daylight hours changing there becoming stubborn. And they fact that there mostly virgin does. I never had this much trouble. This bunch of rabbits are not as good as my old bunch i had last yr. Wish i had not sold out errr. Hubby and i got him flipped and checked he looks normal. I will know in 2 weeks if the breeding's worked if not i will pick 2 more does out and try one more time.
garnetmoth":1il7p52z said:
I was reading something about grape pomace (skin and seeds) being fed to males.... Ill see if I can find some info later in the week. I have read a few places that fruit smoothies fed to male humans increases sperm count- I know rabbits are sensitive to too much fruit- but maybe upping green vegetables (leaves, cabbage, celery, carrots) for 2-3 days before breeding may give him a boost- Ill bet MaggieJ knows more about this subject

:oops: Thanks for the vote of confidence, Garnetmoth. I know a little.

Vitamin E and Vitamin A are very important for successful breeding. Both of these are damaged by heat and can be lost during processing of the feed or through improper or prolonged storage. Dark green leafy things like parsley and dandelion are loaded with Vitamin A. Whole, unprocessed grains and especially raw wheat germ (or wheat germ oil) contain Vitamin E. Naturally feeding these things will only work if the problem happens to be a vitamin deficiency... There are many other reasons for breeding problems.
Update: :)
He is finally proven after 5 misses i guess i used him to early. 1 of my does gave me 13 or 14 babies this am hard to count. And he is the proud papa of them. My biggest litter this yr. Wow i guess he really wanted to show me he has the stuff lol. All my does have been bred to my other buck and give me on average 7 babies. He out did the other bucks numbers. So maybe some of the misses were the does fault.

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