Yippee!!!! Home at just the right time!

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
Went to the international plowing match today with the family.
Left with a first time mini rex doe making a nest, but not seeming over rushed.

Got home and immediately went out to check on things as I had this nudge inside saying go check on them.

AND I found six kits in the nest and one just getting chilled kit stuck between the cage and the nestbox. WOOT WOOT!!! Stuck that kit back in with it's siblings and in another hour or so I'll go out and divy up the nests a bit more evenly... had an HL doe give birth to three this morning, so this should help keep things easier for all concerned.

Looks like I might have chocolates....... :) (here's hoping anyways).
Great save and fantastic timing. I hope she works out to be a great mom!
Good for you, sometimes things just work out!

Scarlett's day 28 is tomorrow but nearly every litter I've had here has been born on day 32 so I'll put a nestbox in tomorrow but don't expect anything until Wednesday. Haven't felt any kits in her yet by palpatation but she's getting chubby and she's been rock solid reliable so I"m hopeful.... can't wait for babies around here again!