Yellow Noses in freezing temperatures

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Graceful Rabbitry

Jul 27, 2022
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United States
Hello, So I noticed two of my kits have yellow noses. It has been single digits just got in the teens so could their noses just be running from the cold. I know runny noses are a bad thing but I don’t necessarily know why please help me understand what is happening. This has never happened to me.
Hello, So I noticed two of my kits have yellow noses. It has been single digits just got in the teens so could their noses just be running from the cold. I know runny noses are a bad thing but I don’t necessarily know why please help me understand what is happening. This has never happened to me.
That doesn't necessarily look like anything I'd be concerned about. It could easily be runny noses from the cold, getting stained by pellets or hay. It also looks like what happens when they get their noses wet in a water bowl. Are they sneezing and/or coughing?

Rabbits can get cold-like illnesses from several different pathogen(s), and all of them tend to be called "snuffles." Usually the rabbits have runny noses, sneezes and/or coughs, and sometimes their eyes are weepy. If their noses have a clear wetness, most of us don't get overly concerned, but we watch out for thick white snot. Not all thick snotty noses are an indication of pasteurellosis, but they can be, and that is what worries most people.

Pasteurelloisis, caused by the bacterium Pasteurella multocida, is very contagious and sometimes (not always) lethal, depending on the strain. If you catch it in the early stages you can get rid of it, but once it goes past a certain point, it it can lurk among non-symptomatic carriers and pop up in weakened or otherwise vulnerable animals.

Some people insist that antibiotics are the only way to deal with pasteurellosis, but others have treated it naturally with very good results. Here's one:
So, even though the picture of your bunnies' noses doesn't alarm me, I suggest keeping track of them to see if it develops any further. If you begin to see lots of sneezing (when they're not drinking out of bowl), coughing, white snot or weepy eyes, you make take the cautious approach and give them some VetRx.

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