Yay!!! Finally!!!

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
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Our NZW, Julie, is kindling right now!!! :wbounce: She didn't take the first time around, and we weren't even sure she took this time! Did barn chores, pet the ponies a bit, then played with some kits we are keeping, and when I went to do cage check before leaving the barn, I turned the corner to see some major fur pulling going on, and a cage floor FULL of white fur! :lol: All in a matter of minutes! She's so cute! Hopefully all goes well, and she turns out to be a great mom, just like her sister who had the batch of 11 for her first litter. Thankfully we've got nice, cooler temps for a few days!
let us know how she does. my oldest nz doe angel,who is about 5 or 6 mon old just had a healthy litter of 9.they seem to be well fed and spunky so far.so spunky in fact a couple wiggled out of the nest box and i had to install a higher front on it.
Well, it's hardly even worth reporting, but she had 3! :lol: :roll: She's a very easy keeper, and I just think she was to heavy when we bred her, and I think she actually still is. But she's a great mom, that I can surely tell, and 3 is definitely better than none!! She hops right in to check the kits after I've checked them, and they are nice and chubby, and active!

She pulled ALOT of fur when she was in labor, and I pulled a big handful out of the nest to set aside. She seems to be obsessed with fur in her nest, because each time I check the nest I pull more out, and she keeps replacing what I took out! LOL! :lol:
Congrats on the new babies. Three is definitely better than none. Also, it's funny how obsessed she seems with hair in her nest.
Actually 3 isn't bad for a first timer. Often the later batches are larger. The important thing is that she is taking good care of them. She may come in handy as a surrogate mom if you need to foster kits from another litter.
Three nice babies is a LOT better than 12 with 1/2 of them dying because the mom doesn't know what to do! (trust me..it's not fun to try to keep them alive and then have to end up euthanizing them anyway)

Congratulations on your babies!! Carrots for EVERYONE!!
Thanks ya'll! :D Ann.......I completely agree with you there! I can't imagine the heartache! I am very grateful, and happy that she did even take. It's also better than dealing with the opposite side of the spectrum....a doe who won't produce at all!
Sounds good! :D Whenever you are ready, no rush.<br /><br />__________ Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:49 am __________<br /><br />A discovery this morning.......she had 4, not 3. There was so much hair in her nest, I missed a stillborn kit when I did nest box check. :( It was tiny, and intertwined with a wad of hair, I just accidentally found this morning when I was feeling all around the box to see how much hair I could pull out. I feel so bad that I missed the poor thing! :(
Ann, if you have a black NZ that would be ready to breed, we'd definitely prefer that. Let us know how much. We've got plenty of young stock we're raising right now.<br /><br />__________ Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:23 pm __________<br /><br />Nothing to old though.
That limits it to Clone, then. She's 18months old. Has had 3 litters. Good mom. Not terribly friendly, but only because she doesn't get handled. She's not aggressive or anything. All the other NZ are youngsters..oldest is just 16weeks. The only other breedable does I have are Americans. Ah well :)

There's GOT to be someone up near you with NZ blacks. We'll have to do some sleuthing!
If there is, I can't find them! LOL! I can easily find NZW, and Silver Fox, and now some CA, but no NZB.

I'll talk to Dave, we may be interested in Clone, and a couple youngsters.<br /><br />__________ Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:15 pm __________<br /><br />Oh, we don't want anything aggressive that will attack if we reach in the cage. I have one like that now, and don't want another one. I can pet all my girls, and the breeding does don't mind me handling their kits.

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