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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2011
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It's a whole different ball game when the doe is REALLY lifting, isn't it? I thought I'd seen my girls lift, but goodness, no I have not.

My husband said he wasn't sure if he should cover his eyes or light a cigarette.. :lol: :shock:
Oh I guess I have not see that either. Mine usually look like ...ho hum is it ever going to stop. Please take me out of here. The only buck who ever attempts any wooing is Houdini . We call him lover boy.
You should see Amako and the creme d'argent doe. That buck better get moving or they'll be on him in between flagging their tails straight up in the air. Then the poor bucks in their excitement start at the head or side and end up smashed and humped again by frustrated hormonal does until they can get the does off so they go back in to position. I often feel sorry for them and use my foot or hand to tip a doe off so they can catch them.
I'd never seen a rabbit tail go STRAIGHT up...We were standing across the room and you could clearing see 'the goods'.

She's the one we're not sure of the age or breed, but she is build solidly and has been so very friendly with her neighbor boy. I thought to myself...well, I haven't decided on the whole 'easter bunny' thing, but if I want to consider them, I'll have to breed her now. I'm hovering to pull her out first sign of discomfort...Um, no. No grunting, and they licked each others faces.

I HAVE been leaving the light on all day.
I have been leaving the lights on too.i still have 4 does too breed.4H kids will be looking for rabbits in the spring too.
sommrluv":3m5a3jea said:
It's a whole different ball game when the doe is REALLY lifting, isn't it? I thought I'd seen my girls lift, but goodness, no I have not.

My husband said he wasn't sure if he should cover his eyes or light a cigarette.. :lol: :shock:

LOL......when a doe is "ready" it doesn't take but a second!! i've got several does that "lift" so buck starts lookin' around for a step-stool!! "Yee-Haw....ride 'em cowboy!"

I've found that when I use an accelerated breeding program (rebreeding 2 weeks after kindling), they ALWAYS lift like that. If I wait longer, I sometimes have to force breed. Their cooperations makes it much easier...
They had a second go this morning, and at first I thought she wasn't interested...until she started humping him. Geez, get me more of this girl.
I'm putting her in the cage and he's trying to hump my hands...they were both really eager. Goodness.

Wish I could bottle that.
She practically laid in front of him, he bred her twice, and tried for a third, but this crick in my neck forced me to go in the house. he'll have to wait till tomorrow.