Wool Block Info

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Found that hay, papaya, wheat grass, now flax, plus grooming and exercise has helped keep "wool block" away from my Woolies Tribe members. Grooming at time of molting is a big plus. Plus lots of exercise to help things move along.

For fur mites, Diatomacious Earth (the white food grade, not the red pool supply stuff) is dusted on for control of fur mites :)

In a pinch, Sevin dust can also be used, but not what I would recommend for "continuous" use :(
AnnClaire":2k9jf9vv said:
For fur mites, Diatomacious Earth (the white food grade, not the red pool supply stuff) is dusted on for control of fur mites :)
And then you have your very own live dust bunny! :razz:

I'm sorry, it just hit me, and I couldn't resist.

I have treated fur mites with DE before. Messy, but effective and harmless. :)
Im having trouble with my Am. Chin. doe molting and possibly getting woolblock from it. The poop is looking like a short string of pearls. I've given her some banana's with peels (over the last few days) and only feeding her hay today. I have pineapple juice I'll try, guessing just add some to her water. She hasn't stopped eating or drinking so hopefully it won't be a bad case, but still wanting to take precautions. I may try the bird seed mix too, since I have some.
I find mine with 2-3 pearls (they are English Angoras) and just keep hay in the hay racks at all times. Some don't eat much hay at times, and then, the hay rack is empty one day. I have never had a case of wool block.

Is caused by the rabbit ingesting too much fur during the cleaning process.


Rabbit fails to eat and becomes listless. The stomach becomes taut, firm to the touch as the condition worsens. A quick response is essential if you are to save the rabbit.


Regular grooming of normal furred rabbit and shearing of the wool on all fiber animals will go far in helping to prevent this condition. You can use Cat hairball remedys. You can also use the enzyme papain or bromelain which is found inPineapple and Papaya. Use the fresh fruit as the caning process kills the enzyme. You can also use Adolph's meat tenderizer [same enzyme] mixed with enough water to feed with a needless syringe.Give one to three times a day untill rabbit returns to normal.


you should provide grass=hay to the rabbits diet on a regular basis. At least two to three times a week.The long fiber keeps the hindgut working properly. You should see string of pearls [cling-ons] hanging from the cage floor. This is a sure sign that the hay [long-fiber] is doing it's job. Brush the cling-ons from the wire within twenty-four hours to aid in the prevention of coccidiosis.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
Okay, that helps...I always give my rabbits grass hay 2x's/day, so maybe I don't need to worry too much...I thought the string of pearls was a bad sign.?
You will sometimes find two connected berries on the wire with a rabbit that doesn't have wool block. This is because they are always grooming themselves, and the fur does go through the system and out the other end.

When you start seeing more of them than normal, or longer strings, then you probably have enough fur going through the rabbit to cause blockage.

Keep the dangling berries cleared from the floor so that you can see any increase that may happen. :)