WONDERFUL news!!!!!! (plus some vaguely crappy pictures!)

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2011
Reaction score
Western Michigan
Long story short (might have seen it in the "hopping mad" section) my broken castor got away (almost eaten by a dog) and was under the deck in the back. Having had another loose rabbit (you know, this was NEVER an issue when I had them all in my basement!) who would NEVER go into a live trap, I didn't really have a lot of hope, but I wanted to try anyways just in case.

I baited the trap with a bowl of pellets, some BOSS and a leaf of fresh Romaine, and left it next to the deck.

When I got home tonight, GUESS WHAT I FOUND!!!!





I CAUGHT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap: :clap2: :up: I'm so happy I caught his fluffy little butt!!!

After snapping photos I got him out of the trap...he doesn't seem too badly harmed, couldn't find anything broken. He IS super dehydrated though...I guess he had no idea the snow all over the ground is just solid water. :? I tucked him into a cage in the garage since it stays juuuuust above freezing, and brought him warm water to drink and a fresh bowl of pellets (he seems to've spilled all the ones in the trap, probably in a panic at being locked in). I'll be watching him VERY closely for a while.

I can't believe I caught him!!!! Makes me feel like less of a failure, LOL. :)
That's wonderful, Kyle! Hope your wrist is better. Now, about that dog of your dad's. . .

:evil: :furious: :rant:
Thanks! :) Yeah it's some better...in talking to people more medically inclined than I am, they think I may have actually bruised my carpals instead of sprained it. :shock: It isn't nearly as painful during flexion as it is with extension.

My friend swears that pie will solve everything. ;)
trinityoaks":1ho375v8 said:
That's wonderful, Kyle! Hope your wrist is better. Now, about that dog of your dad's. . .

:evil: :furious: :rant:

Yeah apparently my dad is so angry he isn't talking to me now. :roll: As for that dang dog...he gets to spend tonight in his crate, no way is he getting free reign of the house any more. Not if I'm gonna get blamed for the stuff he destroys!!!!
:congratulations: Glad you caught him!

Hopefully, your dad will cool off before he gets home and you two can get along!
AnnClaire":hmbwo2eo said:
:congratulations: Glad you caught him!

Hopefully, your dad will cool off before he gets home and you two can get along!

I don't know, he's angry at me about a lot of things right now. Angry that I got bitten, angry that I "let" his dog try to eat a rabbit, angry that I "let" his dog destroy some of his stuff, and he's REALLY angry I dropped Anatomy & Physiology and am re-taking it next semester. In his mind, if you don't get an A, it is because you are slacking off and not working hard enough. Since he HASN'T BEEN HERE except for ONE SINGLE WEEK (the housefire of fail) this ENTIRE SEMESTER, he can't see how hard I have been working, how much I've poured myself into this. In his mind I'm just not trying hard enough...I can't get it through to him that sometimes, even when you do your best and try your hardest, it doesn't always work out.

To which he reminds me that when HE was in college he has 87647432657245 credit hours per semester and never slept and walked 100 miles to school barefoot in the snow uphill both ways and STILL pulled off all A's. :roll: Once upon a time, HE took A&P, and claims it's an "easy class" because he got an A in it. Nevermind that he didn't have CELLULAR CHEMISTRY in that class, no HIS A&P class was learning the names and functions of the organs. We NEVER do that. EVER. We just study cells, tissues and chemistry, none of which I'm particularly good at. :evil:

But I digress. ;)
Interesting way to catch a bunny. I usually only catch skunks and coons with those hav-a-hart traps.
phillinley":1i3jutw1 said:
Badass way to catch a bunny. I usually only catch skunks and coons with those hav-a-hart traps.

Thanks! :) I've got a loose doe (dang thing learned to unlatch her cage door and now we can't catch her) who's been gone for just about ever now...I tried for like two months to get her to go in the live trap, she never would. :p

You know I've never heard it called a hav-a-hart before this past weekend? I was talking to a crazy person (no seriously, she's INSANE) and she asked if I'd caught my loose doe, and I said no.

Our conversation then went something akin to this:

Her: "Don't you have a hav-a-hart?"
Me: "I have a what now?"
Her: "A hav-a-hart."
Me: "What?"
Her: "You know, a hav-a-hart."
Me: "A what?"
Her: "A HAV-A-HART. Haven't you tried a hav-a-hart?"
Me: "...what is a hav-a-hart?"
Her: "You know, a hav-a-hart, like they use to catch stray cats without hurting them..."
Me: "...........OH, you mean a LIVE TRAP, yeah she won't go it in it for anything."

I don't think she believed me that my loose doe refused all bait and would never enter it. :p She seemed...skeptical at best. :?
You know it is not difficult at all to catch a rabbit with a fishing net and a bright flashlight at night. The light will momentarily stun them - I have caught many wild rabbits before this way often we didn't even need the net with 3-5 people (bio class).
WallTenter":2i5nm0lo said:
You know it is not difficult at all to catch a rabbit with a fishing net and a bright flashlight at night. The light will momentarily stun them - I have caught many wild rabbits before this way often we didn't even need the net with 3-5 people (bio class).

Really? Like...how do you do it? :shock:
It's called "spotlighting" and you can freeze them for a few seconds by turning the light on.
There was a wild goose in the sheep pasture across from my x' s house. It had some string cutting into its foot. I heard about it after it was there for a few weeks. I told x to get someone to go at night and shine a light in it's eyes then he could grab it. He was able to catch it and clean off the bailing twine on it's foot. Poor thing's foot was swollen. He gave it some food and turned it loose and it still lives with the sheep but much happier. The light blinds them and confuses momentarily giving you a chance at netting.
Kyle@theHeathertoft":gn6gthx0 said:
You know I've never heard it called a hav-a-hart before this past weekend? I was talking to a crazy person (no seriously, she's INSANE) and she asked if I'd caught my loose doe, and I said no.

It might not be called that in your area. It's just the brand name of that type of live trap we have in our area. Just another one of those regional code words :D