Wire w/baby saver?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2011
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Does any place sell 1x1in wire with baby saver already along the bottom? I don't really want to buy online, shipping, I'm sure, will be heck.
Lowes has 16 gauge and already sold out. Idk what the farm store has, as they are closed on Sundays, no real website and they close early every day. TSC may have a better gauge, idk. But never saw baby saver already on the rolls.
I really do not want to add on top more wire nor do I want to cut and attach different wire along the bottom, just makes it weaker.
Also, I have dial up, so I cannot even look through catalogs of wire rolls. Lame.<br /><br />__________ Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:32 am __________<br /><br />Tsc only has 16 gauge floor wire and 16 gauge 1x2in sides...

Guess I will have to get the weaker stuff and get over it...
Adding a 4 inch line of floor wire [Baby Saver]
will only make the bottom stronger.
You are [J] clipping the floor to the outside, all it does is
make that four inches small preventing the kits from crawling through.
It is cheaper in the long run than purchasing "Baby-saver wire".
Dennis, C.V.R.
Only way it would make it stronger is if I made the floor space smaller and bent the floor up for the sides. Only other way, which is weaker and more work is to cut strips of wire 4in tall, attach it to the bottom, swing up and then attach the walls to that.
ChickiesnBunnies":1ug5k2lk said:
Only way it would make it stronger is if I made the floor space smaller and bent the floor up for the sides. Only other way, which is weaker and more work is to cut strips of wire 4in tall, attach it to the bottom, swing up and then attach the walls to that.
Why not just cut the floor bigger and then bend up? I think Dennis means put a 4" strip OVER the bottom four inches of the walls.
OneAcreFarm":11e1mz8y said:
ChickiesnBunnies":11e1mz8y said:
Only way it would make it stronger is if I made the floor space smaller and bent the floor up for the sides. Only other way, which is weaker and more work is to cut strips of wire 4in tall, attach it to the bottom, swing up and then attach the walls to that.
Why not just cut the floor bigger and then bend up? I think Dennis means put a 4" strip OVER the bottom four inches of the walls.

I'll prolly have to cut and put wire over the walls in the end.

I cannot 'cut floor larger' because they only sell 2ft 1/2x1in and I am making the cages 2x2x12ft. 2x2x4 for each doe and future kits.
I'll prolly have to cut and put wire over the walls in the end.

I cannot 'cut floor larger' because they only sell 2ft 1/2x1in and I am making the cages 2x2x12ft. 2x2x4 for each doe and future kits.

If you are going to spend the money, I say get the good stuff now. 16g floor wire will be murder on your rabbits feet because it is thinner and it flexes more. I ordered mine from klubertanz and I called first and got a shipping quote. It was less than I expected and I am all the way in Texas...about half. That wire at TSC is not going to hold up well for the floor. Use it for the sides and top, but do yourself and your rabbits a favor and get 14g GAW 1 x 1/2.
Since you only need bs wire when your does kindle, why not buy 4"x4" galvanized flashing and cut it to fit the cages? You could notch it to make tabs and attach to the cages as needed. Probably save you lots of money, even if you made enough for 2 or 3 cages. If your cages are butted up against each other, you could probably slide it between them, or if not you could affix it to the inside. It is easy to bend to change the angle so you wouldn't have a flat surface on the cage bottom to collect urine and feces.