wire cages

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Oct 27, 2012
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I've recently decided to produce my own food. i already grow mushrooms and my own vedge so next up is meat. after my research I've set on rabbits as being the best course of action.

I've found a reliable breeder and all that's left is to build some enclosures.

looking around I've seen a few examples of people using wire cages. would i be fine with these if i was to cover them with a tarpaulin to protect them from drafts and rain?

thanks in advance jasper.
Hi, Welcome to Rabbit Talk.

Don't have my rabbit set up outside, but do know that others here do and will use tarpaulin to protect their rabbits from the drafts and rain.

What type of meat rabbit are you going to get? Wishing you all the luck with this venture.

A tarp will work temporarily but a solid roof is better long term. Make sure the rabbits can't reach it, mine will shred a tarp if they can reach it.
Tarps have a very limited life span so a solid cover is best. One breeder had a set up I liked enough to start to copy. He had each row of cages covered with roofing sheet metal so his two ft wide cages had a three ft wide sheet on top of it. It gave enough over the edges to cover the j feeders and to help prevent the rain blowing in. He also had it in very deep shade but as I dont have that a grape arbor is going over my covered cages but shade cloth is up until the grapes are providing enough shade.

Remember, rabbits over heat really easily, at least down here in the south they do.
You can get the plexi roofing panels for $20-25 for a 2.5x16ft section, they last a lifetime. It's a far better solution than any tarp. I've used tarps in the past and it's just a massive waste of money, get the panels instead from the get go.

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