Will the kits be okay if it storms?

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Miss M

Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Jan 20, 2010
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I'm working on moving Pearl and the babies out to the porch, out of our bathroom. Shaygetz just said that it's supposed to storm all day Wednesday. Are they going to be alright... or get scared to death?

I'm still moving forward right now... for one thing, this is Florida, and it seems there's always a thunderstorm in the forecast. But I just wanted to make sure.

Thank you!<br /><br />__________ Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:14 pm __________<br /><br />Okay... I got the kits and Pearl all moved out to the hutch. The only reason I was asking that question is that the kits have never been outside before. Pearl has, of course.

Now... the kits started coming out of their new nestbox and into the cage almost immediately. The first step is the litter box. I noticed a few of the kits munching on Pearl's bunny berries in the litter box. Is this okay?
The kits will become accustomed to storms... at least mine do when they are in the summer rabbitry. Never lost one to panic yet.

Regarding the kits eating bunny berries... They do need to ingest some of momma's cecal droppings, the soft clustery ones, in order to develop the right flora in their guts to digest solid foods. I wouldn't be too concerned about it.
Thank you, Maggie! I thought it would be okay, but since they haven't been out there since they were born, I just wasn't sure. :)

It looked like regular droppings they were eating, not the other ones. But I remember reading somewhere that rabbits will sometimes eat those too.