Why is this a good thing?

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May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Amah Mutsun traditional land
I had 13 does bred to kindle this Tuesday.
Quite a few had been making their nests for over a week
so I was pretty sure who to expect.
Lace,my oldest doe, spent a lot of time in the box on Wednesday.
When I checked after she was out there was only 1 fat kit.
I planned to keep checking to see if she had any more and
in the mean time I popped the kit into Pepper's box since she only had 6.
I thought to myself, well I guess this is it for Lace.
I have kept many daughters and several sons so her line is strong in my herd.
Meanwhile, 4 Get Me Not, a smaller 1st time mom had 7 on Tuesday and yesterday they looked unfed.
This morning when I checked the didn't look much better & she didn't seem to have much milk.
Lace had not had any more but did keep jumping into her nest box, though no one was there.
Then I realized that Lace, always an excellent mother, was the perfect solution.
I put all 7 of 4 Get Me Not's hungry litter into Lace's nest box and put it back into Lace's cage
I watched as I continued to do the morning feeding. Lace jumped into the box right away.
She was out in less than 5 minutes and when I went to check, all 7 tiny kits had VERY fat bellies :)
Lace will be staying on as a foster mother at least for the next month.
How glad Iam that I breed a large group to kindle all at the same time.

I had a 2nd time mom loose her whole litter this winter and take over 4 from a first time mom, then ended up with 3 fosters from a friend with a doe that got very sick a week after kindling!... I swear the Doe was asking me to fix her kits when I got there. She fussed and carried on when I took the nest box, hopped right in when I returned it...
(I'm sure it was just milk soreness.. but sometimes they act like they are thinking....)