why is my pet bunny digging at my moms chest???

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2015
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okay, so i know that both bucks and does dig, and I have had George for about a month and a half. Every time I bring him down stairs to snuggle he digs at my moms chest and I mean EVERY time.
Why does he do that? We are working on training him to stop but he keeps digging!
Can only tell about my unneutered bucks, and they love digging. Everywhere. Not deep, or tunnels like my does, but just uprooting everything.

It sure is an instinct, completly normal. Mine do it when they feel safe, it's a shame I can't let them have the yard with my somewhat older buck anymore - at least one of the young ones attacks him in earnest. :shock: - since he doesn't occupy their time by sniffing up one after another my garden looks like a missile test range.
so it is just an instinct and normal, but he does it only on my mom.

he does really like my mom. or should i say really loves my mom! :D :lol:
I've noticed many of my rabbits when they start digging me it is followed by peeing me.
he has peed on my dad a couple of times, and my mom once and me on my arm once!