Why is it that...

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2010
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Some women can wake up, get in the shower, do their hair, put on make-up, raise the kids, and have a perfectly clean house and manicured yard. All the while, I haven't gotten to shower since yesterday morning, I don't remember what color the hair dryer is (do I even own a hair dryer?), I think my makeup is expired, my kids have destroyed the house, and I don't have a yard (field yes, yard no).

I remember thinking when the girls moved in and I quit my job that this was going to be Stepford. I would be able to do it all. Then there are days like these. 11:30 at night, completely exhausted, and the house doesn't look like it got touched. :?
I dont know maybe they have more energy or are more organised.my house is a mess.i did get laundry donr yesterday.
For heaven's sakes, Paula! Look at all the other things you do... That's where your time and energy are going and I think those things are more important than mere appearances.

It's a matter of priorities. Women who have perfect grooming and perfect homes likely don't have many interests beyond those things. There are exceptions, of course, and organization and energy are big factors too, but how many of us are cut out to be super-women?
Make-up? Big waste of time and money IMHO. :D And housework? Only if guests are coming and sometimes not even then, depending on who it is. We don't have a yard - we have four dogs and DH collects <ahem> "stuff". Everything else is fenced off for pasture.

My animals are fed, watered and well-cared for, we have food on the table - everything else is just details.

Your children won't remember how beautiful you kept your house - they'll remember how much time you spent with them.
the answer may be:
that the women you are talking about are placing all there time and energy
on what they believe to be more important tasks.
Or, they have a GREAT wonderful and helpful GOOD Man
who is more than willing to pick up and toss in the trash anything He
believes to be "Unnecessary Clutter". You would be surprised how easy it is
to get things in order once you delete/remove ALL the unnecessary trash!
It is very easy once you create room to store all of your "Necessary items"
and be gone with those that just create an eyesore or other nuisance.
Get rid of things yoiu haven't used or even looked at in more than a year,
things like clothes that no longer fit because they are too large or too small.
Those old lamps or tables you've been holding onto because,
"You just might need them someday". Every Spring I go through ALL my STUFF
and purge, it creates better Feng Shui. When the clutter is gone,
your mind is clear! Then you are free to create your own Utopia.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
I keep telling myself that if I can just GET caught up, I can stay caught up. I just don't see where I can make any changes to cut time. I won't quit homeschooling, the rabbits aren't going anywhere, can't give up the house.

I love my life, don't get me wrong. I just wish I could find a way to make it all fit and still have a few hours every day. I could give up the internet, but as it is, I really don't spend large amounts of time on it. I do run by's usually to check email and messages, so most of that isn't even in large chunks.

Welp, time to put the headlamp and barn lights on and go feed the masses.
A few years ago I had a nosey neighbor who called child services because I had a messy house. They came by, had a look around and asked about the situation.
I had just gotten a job, my kids marks had suffered, and yes the house was getting messy (not dirty- to me there's a difference). I told them I would rather have happy kids than a tidy house. We would catch up on the mess as time permitted. They left and never bothered us again.
Sometimes I think "good Lord what a mess" and stress out. And that is the perfect time for a bubble bath- when you're stressed it's not a good time to clean.
And sometimes we all need a little help.
I clean up faster if I have a buddy over... I used to clean my friends house with her one day, and the next she'd come over to help tidy mine. I would find things she never had time or intrest in cleaning (like walls and dusting) and she'd fold my dreaded pile of laundry. I even had a friend once who LOVED to iron.
Paula, my mom was that woman. She didn't homeschool us--that would have cut into her day. She didn't volunteer in our school. She didn't raise animals. That would have cut into her day. She didn't can food, she cooked, but she bought the already cut up vegetables, the already seasoned meat--she certianly didn't grow it in a garden or butcher it in a shed. Or bake bread, according to her baking bread was hard, better left to the professionals.

Her house was clean. Her clothes were nice, she always had make up on. She didn't read--except the newspaper. She didn't sew. She didn't draw, or paint, or have a lot of friends. She cleaned. And read the newspaper each day to relax. And she shopped.

We never knew what to buy her for a gift--there was almost noone there.

My house is messy--I use my kitchen. I use my house. It isn't a museum--we LIVE here.

One of my best friends tells about a woman who was a concert pianist who had a messy house. People said "she plays beautifully, but have you seen her house?!" Now, older, whenever the woman hears comments about someone's beautiful home she says "Yes, but have you heard her play the piano?"
The trick to cleaning up the "Mess"!
Take one room or one section at a time.
Maybe one day you work on the overstuffed closet.
Once that is workable you can take the next step.
Perhaps the Kitchen or the Livingroom.
If you go easy at your own pace you may even find it enjoyable
and may find that special something you have been seeking for all these
months or years! Don't think of it as a Job, but as an improvement plan.
Good luck!
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
Lol, paula, you and I have the same issue! I feel like if I could JUST get everything nice, then it would be easy to keep nice, but when I do, I wipe myself out hardcore, and need to rest a couple days. Oh, and now I have 2 mobile kids, just as fast as I clean, it gets messy again. I could do nothing but pick up toys all day, I'm serious. And I only have two, who don't even HAVE many toys. Then add a two year old who insists on standing to pee (ugh) and a seven month old that grabs EVERYTHING in reach...oh, and Caelin gets into the fridge and dumps things all over. I will go to the bathroom, and come out, and ALL our eggs (raw) are in the carpet. I have to clean that up. and the oatmeal and rice, he LOVES dumping that stuff...in my carpet. He colors on things, throws EVERYTHING, and then he wants me to cook, lol. Tristan has about three times the energey/mobility that Caelin had at the same age, and I am dreading him as a toddler/preschooler.

Lol, don't worry.

CPS came out the other day (yep, I give my kids JOINTS! Not) and I was so embarressed about the house. They were shocked and said, "this doesn't look awful, it looks like you have kids."

I strive for that Martha Stewart look, too, but seldom (if ever) get there. As my late gramma said "how on earth do you ever get anything done with them?!"
I don't even have kids and I can't stay on top of it all. I blame a lot of it on my internet addiction!
Well put Devon! The only reason I garden, can, butcher, clean, bake, read and raise dogs & rabbits is because I work from home and do not have kids. My hats are off to all of you who have them and especially if you homeschool them!
My spouse and I were talking the other day about how we used to do 3 times the work when the kids were young an at home than we accomplish now. We determined part of it was synergy. While she (or I) was cooking dinner, the kids would often be doing their homework at the kitchen table, so in between stirring the soup, or frying the chicken, we would be moving laundry in and out of the washer and dryer, or folding clothes, or helping the kids with their homework. Now, when we are cooking, we cook less, even though the cooking time is the same. With no children, we only need to do laundry on the weekends, and there are no kids to tutor, or converse with. There is not enough time in between stirring the soup or turning the chicken to go anywhere else in the house and get anything done. So the chores end taking up about the same amount of time, even though we are accomplishing about 1/3 as much. Plus, the kids always pitched in with cleaning off the table, washing the dishes, and moving their clean clothes to the respective drawers and closets. Whether it is two people or five people coming in the back door with wet or dirty boots, it still soils the rugs, and dirties the linoleum. There may be a lot less dirt, but the mopping or throw-rug cleaning still takes about the same time.

Cheer up.... once your kids get to the point they can feed, wash, and dress themselves (more or less :? ), it gets a lot easier.
I have known very few who have the ability
to keep an immaculate house.
Keeping your space neat so that you are able to
find things you are looking for without having a conniption fit
only adds to ones peace of mind. A place for everything
and everything in it's place leads to peace and tranquility.
I even go through the rabbitry at least once per week
to place things where they belong and do a general cleanup
of the surrounding area. Cleanliness is next to Godliness!
One Man's Rose is another Man's Daisy. :twisted:
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer: