I've spoken to a few people on RT that crossed red new zealands with blacks and managed to get mostly steel kits, or all black and couldn't figure out how.
I actually thought it was more common to see when color crossing NZ than it is in any other breed..
Since there are breeders who color cross steel carrying white with blacks all the time and just eat the visual steels.
Any visual black produced is considered a black new zealand despite the steel genes present.
The very high presence of non-extension in NZ whites due to people crossing in reds only increases the chances for masked agoutis to be present.
The black new zealand doe I had was a masked agouti steel...well, it was her or the silver fox buck, since breeding two self black rabbits together
really shouldn't throw visual steels, torts, or other off colors. :lol:
My theory was that
all of the meat breed's seeming high tendencies for throwing self steels was mostly due to the frequency of crossing steel carrying NZ to everything else.