Hello all! So we are about to go into our second year of raising meat rabbits and we have a doe who has had successful kindlings before but this is her first time with us. (The babies are silver fox if that helps any) She had a healthy littler of ten kits on 04/15/24 So today they are 11 days old. We have had multiple mothers raise litters with of course a few deaths here and there but today something very scary is happening. This morning my husband found 1 dying bunny who was very cold and appeared lifeless. Mind you the lowest it got last night was lie 42 so not that cold for rabbits and these guys have all their fur. We brought the baby in and tried to warm it and rub it gently to bring it back to life but sadly after about 20 minutes its nails had blood in them and it was fully gone. About an hour later I went out and checked all the kits to find a kit from a different litter was also nearly dead and this one was over 2 weeks old! I brought it in with the same result after about 10 minutes it stopped breathing and several minutes later the nails were red. Now I just went out several hours later and checked the nests again and found the orginial younger litter has 3 confirmed kits who appear to be slowly dying to. One is fully catotonic and the other two are still kicking a bit but are very rigid and cold like they are ready to die. I have never had anything like this happen before and I am hoping someone else can tell me what this is or maybe even how to save them if its not to late. Especially because I am worried this will keep going until they are all dead. Sorry for the long message, thanks for reading!