Why CAN'T I feed fruits?

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If I lived where you do, the rabbits would not stand a CHANCE of getting ANY of that! LOL I love guavas and avocados. We lived in South Africa for several years and the climate there is similar to yours. We had avocado, guava, grenadella (passion fruit), lychees, lemons, mango, and pineapple growing in our backyard!
Frecs":1n6h9j17 said:
Miss M":1n6h9j17 said:
I'll split your leftover avocados with MSD! :p

ummm...hello...no, over here... :happy2: :dinner: please, sir, may I have some of those guavas??? The bunnahs said they would share....they told me... :p
:yeahthat: :mrgreen:
OneAcreFarm":29nl5995 said:
Frecs":29nl5995 said:
Miss M":29nl5995 said:
I'll split your leftover avocados with MSD! :p

ummm...hello...no, over here... :happy2: :dinner: please, sir, may I have some of those guavas??? The bunnahs said they would share....they told me... :p
:yeahthat: :mrgreen:
Hey... none of that! Y'all are late to the par-tay!

LOL we've been eating avocados like 10 times a day. :) I try to eat a guava every other day. I don't like them, but I figure if I eat them often enough I will learn to like them. lmao
Here's some interesting ideas about the sugar in fruit, as relates to rabbits. I quote from http://www.fao.org/docrep/003/T0554E/T0554E16.htm:
"Tropical forages can supply a major part of the protein and fiber needs of rabbits. However, feeding forage alone will not support adequate growth and lactational performance. Supplementation with sources of energy is needed. Potential energy sources include roots and tubers (cassava, sweet potatoes), fruit (bananas, plantains, mangos, etc.), rice bran and other grain processing by-products, sugar cane products (whole cane, derinded cane, molasses, juice) and fats such as palm oil. The main apparent disadvantage of roots, tubers and fruit is their high water content. However, this may actually be an advantage. Enteritis in rabbits is provoked by overloading of the cecum with readily fermentable carbohydrate (Cheeke, 1987). Highly concentrated starch sources such as cereal grains promote carbohydrate overload. Although cassava and bananas are high in soluble carbohydrate, their high water content limits rate of dry matter intake and may reduce enteritis by supplying frequent small intakes of starch rather than large intakes of pelleted feed at one time, which is likely to cause carbohydrate overload."