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There's quite a bit of difference between different rabbits.  Some would be perfectly fine going out and about.  I used to have a buck called "City Slicker", a blue English angora, who had a fan club at the knitting group.  He'd go hang out with them every week and have a grand time being petted and fed dandelions.  He had a very outgoing personality.  There's more rabbits here, though, who would consider that same activity as some sort of punishment, so IMHO, it all depends on the rabbit.

Rabbits are a prey species so they're geared towards being fearful.  Some just don't seem to have the same level of fear, though.  So, if you have a rabbit that is calm and curious when in a strange situation, ears up and forward, then try taking them places and petting them and see how it goes.  Just watch the rabbit and if it seems to be really stressed, then pick a different rabbit for excursions.

My theory on the pet/ farm animal thing is that if it has a name, you'll know who to thank for the meal.  Although there's quite a few rabbits here who will never show up for dinner.  But, then, dinner rabbits aren't growing more fiber so it may just be an angora thing.
