Who elses listens to their rabbits?

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
Western Wash.
Maybe I am alone on this, but I find it both relaxing and helpful to just feed, water and listen esp at night. They squeak, purr and grunt to each other---just wish I knew exactly what they were saying...
Oh, CH, I do too. They are like blood pressure medicine or antidepressants....or both ;) When I get home from work I just sit across from their pens and decompress. When my husband gets home he always knows exactly where to find me.
I agree with both of you...just being near them in the barn is so relaxing. And when more serious therapy is in order, my Giant Chin is the perfect snuggle bunny...
I like going out at feeding time, filling the feeders and standing in the middle of the garage listening to all the crunching! It's hilarious to see and hear a momma and litter gathered around the feeder all eating at the same time.
I'm so glad I'm not alone :cool: My buck has gotten me through so hard times just by being soft and loving...I love watching my rabbits especially on a sunny morning when they play :D
Count me in too!! I absolutely feel most at ease being in the barn. I know each one of my rabbits, and who makes what noise. Who grunts when she eats, and who makes this really goofy squeaking noise. :lol: It gets even better when you add in a couple miniature horses crunching, and one spotted leopard appy who bends his head to your chest when you tell him to "gimmy a kissy"! :D
Huh...so, it is not so odd to get that sense I get when tending to the "Herd"...I have thought that perhaps I have missed my calling...I work in high tech...but seem to be at peace the most with bunnies chomping and straw under my feet...I have that same sense while I have been hunting in the past...now this seems to be a wonderful addition to that...grounding of my life force...
My favorite time is after feed and hay has been distributed. Most of them eat quietly and I literally sit in a chair nearby and marvel at the peace after a busy day in the hospital. It is funny, sometimes the youngsters will be minding their own business eating when they suddenly binky straight up into the air, then resume dinner like nothing happened. :)
