Who do you sell rabbits to?

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Mar 6, 2012
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Besides freezer camp, what do you guys do with the babies you're not keeping?

I was just selling mine for show, brood, or pet. But people drive me crazy!!!! :evil: I find no-shows and sales falling through rather annoying.

I'd LOVE to find a way to sell my culls another way. So far all I can think of is the auction. Do pet stores buy baby bunnies? I only plan on doing about 4 litters a year. I'm sure I'll still sell the ones that are good for show, and just "suck it up, princess" but I'd like an alternative as well, if possible. The "brown" rabbits don't sell as well for pet as the "pretty" colors do.

I don't mind selling for meat, but Mini Lops don't really go for meat around here well.
I'd LOVE to find a way to sell my culls
I am too terrified my culls would be breed, minor issues I pet out but any potential health issues or if they dont sell and they are turned into Raw, BARF or Prey Model diet for dogs, cats, and ferrets. So far the response has been great and I sell out quick.
A Mini Lop "can" pack on a good amount of meat, so if the pet / show / brood options aren't working as well as needed... that might be a way to go.

I just found on FB a group that is for those who feed raw. It connects sellers and purchasers. I'm thinking that it could be a good resource.
My rabbits are More meat rabbits---Californians and New Zealands. When I have young rabbits Period-----they are advertized on craigslist and facebook. I do not worry about no-shows---I kinda expect that. I get a phone number and a Time from anyone that is suppose to come and I call them 5 minutes after that time if they are not here. I make it clear that I am meeting them at That time---and the Time Is ALWAYS when its convient for me. In Other words I am not going to sit here waiting no more than 5 to 10 minutes over the meeting time.

The rabbits are also taken to 2 different auctions that I attend anyway so they are just catching a ride. If they do not sale or the bid does not get up to my min. I bring them back home. I will take them to the other auction the next time and try them again. If they do not sell before they get fryer size, I offer them again as fryers or pets and offer to help skin them for anyone that is interested. If they have not sold----I put them in the freezer. We eat them, I tell people that it Does Not Bother Me at All if they do not all sell because we got to eat too. Sure selling some helps with the feed bill. Here rabbits sell for cheap---Kinda. When the Kits are about 6 weeks I advertize them for $10 and sell some, When I take them to a Auction I have a reserve of $6(auction house gets 18/20%). I raise my reserve as the rabbits age/grow to usually $1 per week of age. The 9 I sold last week at auction went for $7 each---that was also my reserve. They were 7 1/2 weeks old. I actually make some money at that price because about 1/2 or more of what they eat----I grow. If you count my time I got into my rabbits----I probably make about 5 cent per hour and that pay is decreasing---LOL.

I am different than alot of people----I raise rabbits for their poop not for a big profit. I raised rabbits(usually 5 to 10) for years before I got into meat rabbits. I would raise about 2 litters per year and sell them at a auction. I did this to keep some new stock. I cooked a young rabbit about 1 1/2 years ago and got hooked. If I never sold another rabbit I feel I would continue raising them right on for Meat and poop.

Those Lion head, Flop Ears Etc cook up GOOD Too!!!
Its been an increasing problem with people here. Not so much show/breeding buyers but pet people. I've had more returns in the last 3 years that made me sick from them than any thing else I can think of. I've quit marketing "cheap" pets, my pets are just as much as my broods now if they sell. It costs me just as much to raise them any way. If I know some one personally I may let them have a pet cheaper than advertised, but its rare as I've had "friend" people turn out bad that way too.

This year, I've not sold a single pet though and I've sold 1 brood rabbit. All others have been kept or freezer campers. Main market is to those looking for breeding purposes for meat or show. I still expect to have a few pet sales, but not many. Those that don't sell are going to go to freezer camp.
I sell for raw food (snakes, dogs, cats). 5%

I sell for pets. 85% babies up to adults. the no shows, and don't get back to yahs, sometimes they bother me, but not usually...but the ones that annoy me are the ones who want tons and tons of information and talk and talk and talk some more and then tell you "I only want to spend $10-20 - when will these go on sale?" (for you NEVER since you just managed to annoy me).

I sell for breeding/show animals. 7%

I sell for meat/market animals. 3%

I NEVER sell to the auction. Cheap prices all round there, better to eat 'em in my book.

I do some limited rescue....though these have to pass my temperament test (three week minimum stay unless going to a breeder home) and those that fail go to animal food.
I'm supplying all the kids in the neighborhood free of charge. :p

I cull heavy and all non showables color-wise outta the nestbox. Feed for my 2 Boa's. :mrgreen:

Then at 8 weeks pick ONE best type out of the litter. The rest go free to whichever kid wants a bunny. All I ask is - the parents must be with at pick-up and they must have a receipt for a brand new cage, feed and water bottle. All the bunnies are tattooed before they leave here.

So far some kids kept interest - I seen two of the kids with both their parents at the last show with their bunnies. They both won ribbons and were absolutely happy as can be to win ribbons with their rabbit !!! I had tears in my eyes to see them so happy with something I didn't keep.

What I notice is - once the parents see their child wanting to get involved they tend to follow threw or at least attempt to continue with what once not even a thought.

I haven't sold a bunny yet, seems when I do mention or post the ad what I have available for a few $'s - another breeder is interested in them all - so I just give away free to that person. Which is nice for me - I know where the bunnies are going.

If at any point I cannot give them away - I'll put them up for auction on that FaceBook page.

I personally don't want to sell anything though until I have my 4 generation on pedigrees. Once I have that, I will sell. Hopefully that breeder continues to take them for free until then. :cool:
Even with the 69 kits I've had so far, I don't even have enough to do my original purpose, feed the dogs. Next is the snake guy, then 4H for the Hollands, which are all but gone, and one meat sale. I've sold three pets, but it's not my favorite thing to do.
Ah, I hated the no-shows and returners. I always took rabbits back because I'd rather be stuck with them than have them wind up someplace bad.
When I was breeding I mainly sold for Show/4H, Breeding and Pet. I was super against them being used for eating of any sort.. but in the future when I breed again I intend to include the sale of rabbits for RAW diets for dogs/cats ect, and for personal use of the same thing. So I hopefully won't even have to deal with selling as much!
I sell a LOT of my breeding stock to newbies in the area who want to begin homesteading, and I love being able to help them out. I haven't had a no show in a long time *knock on wood*. I just tattoo a big ol' X in the right ear so that they can't try slapping a pedigree on it and registering it or showing it or something. Not that they need a pedigree to show it, but with a tat in the right ear, they can't. Hehe.
oh... I like that Idea Cait.... the x in the ear.. particularly for rabbits that shouldn't be shown, or who I recommend not breeding from. .