White snot coming out of his eye?!

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2011
Reaction score
Western Michigan
I was just feeding/watering my rabbits, and noticed that my lovely little black buck, Jack, had a gob of white snot in the corner of his eye!!! D:

What OTHER THAN Pasturella could this be?! Or is this the dreaded P???? I took pictures (one with flash, one without) before wiping his eye and moving him into a quarantine space. :(

WITH flash:

WITHOUT flash:

Really, REALLY hoping this isn't P., I adore this fellow!!! He's my herdsire, for pete's sakes...and he's SO sweet and friendly, and makes SUCH pretty babies...
Deep breath, Kyle.....for one thing, rabbit tears are actually opaque and white. You could just be seeing some excess tears. Another thing, Rex often get fur gunked up in the corners of their eyes, which can make them water more. Did you check his paws for matting? P eye discharge is usually thick and pus like. I would quarantine him, just to be on the safe side. But I don't think it is P. I really don't.
Nothing to worry about..

I have a rex doe with hairs flying around and they tend to annoy the eye until it clocks up.. so she often has white discharge, not really moist but like soft paper texture. One time she had a huge ball of wet fur stick to her eye, it looked like she had a white chataract pupil.. scary!
Just sweep the eye clean and he is okay.

And this rex doe lives in the colony with other rabbits, they are normal coated and don't have this situation with their eyes.
He HAS been molting for weeks now!!!! Every day I'm pulling a handfull or three of fur out of his cage and off of him, he's near the end of the molt but still, hair EVERYWHERE!!!!!!

No crustyness on the legs or gunk anywhere else. Just the one eye.

Gonna keep him in quarantine for a while but I'm feeling better now, LOL. Thanks guys!!!! :)
Yeah I have a couple does that get white gunk in the corner of their eye. Especially after pulling fur for babies and when I add new straw to their runs.
With nearly every shaded (sable point, siamese sable, ect) rabbit I have never had, they would get fur stuck in their eye. I have one right now that I have to take the fur out of one of her eyes every few days. It is white and looks like a spot... didn't figure out what it was for a while.
I just panicked since I've never seen any of my Mini Rex DO that before...and let's face it, I'd rather overreact over a hair in his eye than ignored P symptoms!!!!!! ;) He seems fine today!!!!

He'll stay in quarantine a bit longer though, JUUUUST in case. :)
Kyle, I am pretty sure you cannot tell me you've never had "eye boogers". Do you have the dreaded P word?

You're hearing hoofbeats and jumping to zebra instead of horse. You know better.

Deep breath, hon.
I've actually never had white eye goop on a rabbit before!!!! A little crusty goober on one kit once, I assumed "nest box eye" but after I wiped away the goober and daubed a little neosporin on the kit, it was fine and never happened again. But this was gooey! And white!!! NEVER seen that before!!!!!!!!