White meat rabbits?

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Apr 22, 2013
Reaction score
Red Bluff, California
I am looking for a suggestions on a light meat rabbit. I have tried Rex and I really like it. What other meat rabbits would be similar to them? I am still in the research phase of my setup. Thank you for looking!
Do you mean a light weight meat rabbit? Or a rabbit with light meat? Or a rabbit with light colored fur?
Silver Fox is another one too. If you mean light fur then New Zealand White or the californian.
All domestic rabbits are descended from European rabbits, so I think any difference in color likely had to do with the way they were fed or housed.

I know of at least one Rex breeder in Red Bluff, which is where my original stock was from. I could PM you the email address if you like.
MamaSheepdog":3eapfio1 said:
All domestic rabbits are descended from European rabbits, so I think any difference in color likely had to do with the way they were fed or housed.

I know of at least one Rex breeder in Red Bluff, which is where my original stock was from. I could PM you the email address if you like.
MamaSheepdog that would be awesome! Thank you.
Guys and gals thank you for the clarification.
Yea, I'd say all rabbit is 'white meat' unless something else from outside changed it.
When we were breeding American Blues their meat seemed to us to be slightly darker when compared side by side to our New Zealands. Not so much darker in colour but the Americans had a firmer texter and more robust flavour. Both breeds were treated the same with housing, feed. We butcher our meat ourselves and all the same way.

Like Whipple said, If you soak the carcase in salted water it will draw out the blood and give the meat a stark white apearence and a lighter flavour. We soak ours right after butchering in salted ice water. Helps to tenderise it too. Also important to age the meat (older rabbit will need to rest longer then a young one) after butchering. Makes a huge difference.

Also in regards to a "darker" flavour alot has to do with the age of the rabbit rather then the breed. I use our older rabbits in things like bbq pulled rabbit,chilli, stews, or rabbit speggetti something that marinades the meat. 

The fryers are great for things like breaded nuggets etc and quick cooking recipes. They are much more tender.