I do like my champagnes as far as grow out rates, but I do believe that is what the breeder was focusing on. The pure champ kits I had were five pounds at nine weeks, and the crosses with angora were 4.5 pounds at eight weeks. Beautiful coats on those too. Temperament is shy, but not to the point of being crazy. They more or less just don't enjoy the lap dog level of attention my angoras demand, though they do like the occasional head scratch.
Thant being said, my line line has a hard time in keeping from becoming too fat, and have to be strictly rationed. Due to overweight issues, I've had a heck of a time getting my older to breed, and when she does, she's lost kits to being oversized and getting stuck. I just about put her in the freezer this last weekend, but she palpitated positive from a single cover, so hopefully now that her weight is back under control, she'll have everything go smoothly.
Her daughter is a bit chubby, but a willing doe if there ever was one, so she'll be expecting her first litter the same day as mom.
The weight thing may vary by lines, but I feel like it's also mostly my fault with my rabbits since I didn't ration feed at first and I don't have as strict of a breed back plan as most due to limited cage space.