Where should I advertise my rabbits?

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2012
Reaction score
Central Florida
I have my very first batch of kits almost ready for sale. Wondering where the best place to advertise is & how much I should sell them for. They are 100% NZ but only the mom is pedigree. All white & cute.
you need to figure out what your market is in your area. If most folks around you sell their white non-pedigree NZ's for $20, then that is your marketing range UNLESS you can prove you provide more with your rabbits than other folks do.
I don't see much of ANYTHING but mini rabbits around here on craigslist. Nothing in the newspaper. I did not think Anyone had meat rabbits & then I found out it is mostly farmers that don't really use the internet! I might just put them in the newspaper.
Internet: eBay classifieds, hoobly, Craigslist, local New Zealand association website, local meat rabbit association website, Facebook (i.e. promote on "rabbit", "meat rabbit", "raw diet" and "New Zealand pages"), yahoo groups ("raw diet", "livestock", "new zealand", "meat rabbits"),

Newspaper: local, nearest large city/capital

Flyers: vet clinic, feedstore, pet shop, organic grocery store,
if you have cards made up pin them to feed stores. Thats what we do and it does work. Had a guy call me for a trio of NZ a few days ago
I advertise on craigs list for the pet rabbits, and for my Angoras I post in the state spinning group. Now, what is really working is that I take my babies out to a pen during the day (all white) and I had a georgia boy stop by last night wanting to know if I sold the rabbits. We got to talking and he wants meat rabbits LOL So, I now have a standing order for 4 fryers each litter :lol: