Where does this feed go - chickens, rabbits or worms?

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Well-known member
May 15, 2013
Reaction score
Rockford, IL
I've decided to start using my livestock to eat my kitchen scraps.

Rice with meat goes straight to the chickens. Wilted/dried greens go to the rabbits; slightly slimy (not rotten, though) to the chickens; rotten goes to the worms.

Now, where would you throw this stuff?
- Cantaloupe seeds
- Cantaloupe rinds
- Corn husks
- Celery bases
- Cooked greens
cantelope rinds to the rabbits. You can dry the seeds and feed them those as well, but I'd just as soon toss 'em to the chickens or worms.

Corn husks and celery bases to the rabbits first, the chickens second.

cooked greens.... I dunno Chickens? Worms?
So no cooked for rabbits. I'll give it to the chickens - I think the stuff in it (butter, salt, etc), on second thought, my mess with the worm bin.

What about corn cobs? More chicken food?