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Frosted Rabbits

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
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Ya know, families are really , really strange. I have decided not to communicate any longer with mine- other than my daughters. I have been in either a hospital or nursing home since late Feb. My Service dog is now with me, at the NH's Administrator's suggestion. He has been a big help in my regaining my sanity and mobility. A friend has some of my rabbits, unfortuneately, he had to tell me that the two pedigreed animals fell over dead. But the now deceased Amchin buck has 12 half breed children on the ground to help me preserve his genetics.

I am still in a NH-- one without internet. Once a month is a library trip. I was lucky enough to get a seat on the bus for this one.

i had a dream about rabbits, a packed fishing pole, and a puppy a few nights ago. my therapist says it was indicative of my emotional recovery. Something very nice to go along with the physical recovery.
everyone take care-- I know the weather is being a killer for a lot of peopple-- but we'll all make ith through-----

Hugs to all
Terry! I am so very glad to hear from you!

I know you've been going through a very rough time. You've been in my thoughts often. Hope you are now on the road to recovery and that your daughters are supportive. Glad you have your service dog with you... I know he is so very important to you.

Take care, kiddo... and check in with us when you can. (((HUGS)))
hi folks-- monthly library trip, and where do I visit on line- here, of course-- where the company is warm and fuzzy!
The achilles tendon repair is being very troublesome as it heals-- I sure hope I haven't messed it up. Meanwhile, it looks like one of my shoulders may go under the knife to reduce some scar tissue. it behaves like the rotator cuff is torn, but the MRI says everything is normal. The NH got inspected by the state this week--and nice to say, the inspectors did not seem at all upset about my Service Dog being with me. They left yesterday-- and this morning the maintenance guys were lowering the fire extinguisher boxes. Seems somebody doesn't understand grandfather clauses. If they were okay last year, why not now? But the Administrator says they always find 'something' wrong.
I need to see if my case manager can take me out to see my bunnies. I really want to see the new babies--talk about genetics-- the mother is a VC, Dutch marked Holland lop, Dutch, Rex mix; and of course, Dad was my AmChin buck that decided to fall over.
Oh== got to the Ashtabula fair on opening day, and "Bugsy" was entered-- I know he belongs to someone on these lists. He is a nice sized AmChin of the darker shade. Looked a lot nicer than last year.
Take care folks-- fall is coming-- get that hay in and the animals fattened up...
Hey, Terry, great that you got out to the fair and got to see "Bugsy"! Hope all goes well with your shoulder... and that the Achilles tendon improves more quickly now. Glad you have your service dog with you... for company and all the help he gives you. Take care... and be sure to check in with us when you can.
So glad to hear from you :) The bunnies sound like they're going to be really really CUTE but rather...mixed up! :lol:

The inspectors DO always need to put something in their reports. (to prove they were doing SOMETHING, I'm sure). Mike had one inspection where the lady wrote down, and cited them for having ice...in the freezer! :rotfl: She was unhappy with the ice/frost that forms around the tubs that the researchers freeze..and I quotea: "the frost can create a slippery object that which, if dropped onto the floor, may cause harm". yea gods....

Your service dog is with you now! Excellent! Needed for companionship AND useful!

I know nothing of Achilles Tendons...but I'll be praying for it to heal up fast!
Hi, Terry!! I guess you won't see this, but I'll tell you anyway. I was just thinking of you a couple of days ago, and wondering how you were doing, and hoping you could steal some time on a computer soon. :) Glad to see you're doing alright, and hope you heal up well. Hope you can get out there to see all your new baby buns! :cute:<br /><br />__________ Sat Sep 04, 2010 1:12 am __________<br /><br />
Anntann":2uod0oz7 said:
"the frost can create a slippery object that which, if dropped onto the floor, may cause harm".
:shock: Whoa... Um... and we're paying for her to be that ditzy on the job. :x

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