When to replace a buck

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Tiny Buns

Well-known member
Aug 9, 2015
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I have a senior holland lop buck, close to a year old with a zero track record. 5 does, 7 tries over many months (each try had multiple lift/falloff) and no pregnancies.

2 of the does are proven, the others were successful with my other buck ( who I hate because he sprays urine on me regularly and has got to go)

When do I say enough is enough and the buck is a dud?

Anatomically everything is in the right place and seems to be working.
IMO if he hasn't fathered any kits and he's over a year old, then I'd invite him to dinner. As for the sprayed I'd keep one of his bucklings as a replacement. If the spraying is too bad wait for the kit to get to breeding age and remove his father. The keep one of the new bucks bucklings and the you'll be back to having 2 in your herd.

You could also just purchase a new buck, but that gives disease an opening to your herd.

Just my thoughts,
wamplercathy":13pft8bt said:
IMO if he hasn't fathered any kits and he's over a year old, then I'd invite him to dinner. As for the sprayed I'd keep one of his bucklings as a replacement. If the spraying is too bad wait for the kit to get to breeding age and remove his father. The keep one of the new bucks bucklings and the you'll be back to having 2 in your herd.

You could also just purchase a new buck, but that gives disease an opening to your herd.

Just my thoughts,

The sprayer is a good shape from good lines but smutty. The spraying is so bad I'm now covering the cage on all sides so all he sees is cardboard. I just don't trust the little beggar because I swear he aims for my face. It sucks because it doesn't seem fair but I'm tired of getting hit.

As for the dud, I didn't realize until tonight when palpating yet another failure, that we had so many repeat non-performances. It made me start to wonder how many chances he should get considering my does only get 3.
Hey there, I am in this exact same situation except I have no backups right now, so we still have Zero kits. I am replacing mine ASAP. He's listed for sale as a pet. Really stinks he's produced nothing!!!!
My replacement isn't any great shakes considering he routinely pees in my face, but I hear you. Zero kits with the busiest bunny time of the year coming up isn't terrific.
Nope. I rely on this time of year to produce sales that will feed our bunch for the year really. Quite the bummer!
At his age and with the information you provided, I'd say it is time to move him out of your herd. Even if he did eventually produce kits, they would likely possess the same issue. Spraying is disgusting (I had Hollands many many years ago and the buck was a sprayer - got my right in the face once :x ) but I would hold on to that buck until you can get a replacement, at least you can get litters that way. Watch his sons though, I've heard spraying is hereditary but didn't keep my own HLs long enough to know.
If he were mine, and he hadn't produced anything after three tries, he'd be gone.

As for the other buck that sprays you every chance he gets...

Any other family members you can trick - I mean TALK - into caring for him while
you develop a replacement strategy?

Best of luck to you!
SuburbanHomesteader":26jeedlr said:
If he were mine, and he hadn't produced anything after three tries, he'd be gone.

As for the other buck that sprays you every chance he gets...

Any other family members you can trick - I mean TALK - into caring for him while
you develop a replacement strategy?

Best of luck to you!

I didn't think about my dud until I went to palpate yesterday and started thinking we're 0/7. I would had started looking for his successor sooner had I been more on the ball.

As for the sprayer.....I'm seriously considering putting him right down in the floor and at least he'd only hit my calves :S

Replacement strategy needed it just takes so much time to grow out a new buck. Sigh.
My Dead Eye often gets me in the mouth or eye even though he's on ground level. I have to squat to open the cage door.

You stud dud would probably make a good pet for some one looking for a companion for a female but don't believe in neutering.
a7736100 said:
You stud dud would probably make a good pet for some one looking for a companion for a female but don't believe in neutering.

Or not given Murphy's law. Not producing kits that are wanted is no real guarantee that unwanted kits wouldn't be produced. ;)
I have a buck that used to spray me every time I fed and waterd. Then he figured out I was way better than him at, lol. I had the garden hose and started spraying him back. :p It only took about 3 days and he quit. Hehehe. Good little buck other than that.
I had a GORGEOUS holland lop buck that I Foolishly kept for six months trying to get a kit off him. Ran him with a doe for two weeks before I sold him (last ditch efford, sold him as that proven doe wasn't acting pregnant and she always did).... only to three weeks later FINALLY get one kit off him. ONE... Beauty of a kit though...and became my herd buck for a while.

He never produced in his new home, person wasn't pleased BUT I had told that new owner I never got a kit off him so it was his own risk. Some people get upset even if you tell them that getting a kit is not likely and I WAS selling him as a pet.

Should mention with those bucks that like to deliberately spray you... sometimes all you have to do is pet them before they spray and get into the habit of doing so. I find sprayers tend to respond well to petting. :) Suggest though... wear a glove. :)
Wingfire1":3q0p7ln2 said:
I have a buck that used to spray me every time I fed and waterd. Then he figured out I was way better than him at, lol. I had the garden hose and started spraying him back. :p It only took about 3 days and he quit. Hehehe. Good little buck other than that.

I've done the same, splashed a little water on a buck who happened to be an especially good shot. Only in summer, when being a bit wet won't harm them.
It worked.
Sometimes, spraying people is just a phase that some younger bucks go through and then outgrow.
I find moving them to lower cages helps...at least, helps protect my face or midsection while I'm waiting them out.
Zass":1quh98p6 said:
Wingfire1":1quh98p6 said:
I have a buck that used to spray me every time I fed and waterd. Then he figured out I was way better than him at, lol. I had the garden hose and started spraying him back. :p It only took about 3 days and he quit. Hehehe. Good little buck other than that.

I've done the same, splashed a little water on a buck who happened to be an especially good shot. Only in summer, when being a bit wet won't harm them.
It worked.
Sometimes, spraying people is just a phase that some younger bucks go through and then outgrow.
I find moving them to lower cages helps...at least, helps protect my face or midsection while I'm waiting them out.

If it's a phase I wonder how long it should last? We're going on 3 long, wet months now.

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