When to Remove Kitting Box

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Active member
May 14, 2013
Reaction score
Darke County, Ohio
My first batch of kits are 3 weeks old today. They have been coming out of their box some to hang out with momma and nibble on her fodder, but they still spend some time in the box. When is a good time to take it out? I worry that they might get squished by the box if momma pushes it around when they are beside it.
you can remove the box at 3 weeks. I usually remove it at 2 weeks in warm weather, and leave it until 3 weeks in cold weather
My nestboxes are a permanent fixture, so they are always there, but if you want to take it out, I guess anytime after they get their eyes open would be a good time.
I tip it at two weeks (and often remove it then).
If I do remove it, I have a half box that I let them have.

it is completely gone at three weeks.