When Can I Start Feeding The Kits Greens?

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It is best to start them now, because they are at the stage of just "tasting" things. By the time they are really eating a lot, their gut flora will have had time to develop the proper bacteria to handle the greens.
You're welcome. :)

I would suggest holding off on the brassicas for a bit- cabbage, mustard greens, kale, kohlrabi, broccoli, and cauliflower can all cause gas. If you do feed them, give very small amounts.

I do give my rabbits wild mustard, and have not had any problems, but thought I had better mention the possibility. :)
yup mine start on greens soon as they start nibbling as long as its warm seasons. i always put cut forage in with the buns so about 2wks old their eyes open and they start gettin around and start eating. sometimes all in the same day!
Now or a few days ago. Little bits of each kind a day, then oats, then pellets and lastly start mixing them together. Don't forget water in reach.