Wheat fodder smells like... yogurt??

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Well-known member
May 9, 2014
Reaction score
So I just harvested my first batch of wheat fodder, and it went over really well with the rabbits.

I checked it over really well and there was no sign of mold, but it smelled JUST LIKE sweet yogurt, and the root mat was a little slimy. So I'm guessing there must have been some fermentation going on? The rabbits didn't seem to mind. I'm wondering if maybe I was watering it too much, and keeping the roots too wet.

Any thoughts?

I have smelled the wheat fodder I give my rabbits all I smell is seeds growing type of earthy smell. Unless I forget to use bleach in the pre-soak and smell the mold that grows.
As long as there is no mold I don't worry about it and my rabbits don't just like it they attack it to eat. :D
I've not attempted wheat...but: ""To Me"" barley fodder smells like a freshly
cut cucumber.

I have a tendency to under water my fodder biscuits. Call it laziness or
conservatism, I'm cautious of excessive moisture causing mold issues.

A minimal amount of bleach also adds to the mold issue. I started with
a "capful" of bleach during each soaking period, but ended up increasing
that amount three-fold to successfully combat the mold. Thus far it's been
quite effective.


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