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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2015
Reaction score
South TX
I still have my suspected pregnant does, with no babies yet. It's really getting to the point where they need to have them or I should probably rebreed. One in particular is still exhibiting strange (for her) behavior, and I still see movement. But the first video I recorded was 2 weeks ago! Is that really possible, to see kits moving I utero for 2 weeks? And if you thought that's what it was, would you take her to the vet (I try to avoid that because of the $$$$)....here are a couple more links if any of you want to take a look....both were taken today!

That second video sure looks like something wiggling around in there .... Just give her a nest box and time.

The first video .... is that her food dish ? If so , what's in it? If its pellets & something else , she may be digging to get at the something else.
Could also be nesting behavior , I have a doe who will dig and dig at the nest box - straw flying all around until she is satisfied with it.

As for rabbits and vets .... I don't bother as most vets have absolutely no clue when it comes to conejos. Its expensive and often ineffective ....
I've come to the conclusion its best to cull for just about any issue that comes up. As harsh as that may seem my herd is healthy , easily handled and problem free over the last three years other than a case of fur mites (knock on wood).
In my limited experience scratching like the first video is them starting to nest. I heard one going to town so I went ahead and put a next box in and she instantly started haystaching even though I figured it was a tad too early for her to need one.
That is her litter pan. She has an attached nestbox that she's also done the same thing with:)
I think it's nesting behavior. She's not usually that interested in rearranging any of that. She is normally one of my neater bunnies, and keeps things pretty tidy. She's just going crazy digging at certain times of the day right now, and sleeping more in between....

She did it again this morning with a completely fresh never pooped in litter pan....

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