What will I likely end up with?

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2015
Reaction score
South TX
I have a broken colored doe, whose really tri colored. She has a variety of browns in her coat. I would love to get some broken blacks out of her. Any thoughts on what is the best way to do that? My buck I am currently using is a salt and pepper color (not sure of the official term but maybe chinchilla?)......he has a black 1/2 sister. I am kinda hoping that may be enough black to end up with what I want......

Tri and chin are both agout based and black is self based so you will likely just get chestnuts (aka black agouti) but IF both parents are self carriers there is a 25% chance of black (self) or broken black (self)
Oh I would LOVE to breed him with my doe!


Yeah, the strait eared one is a steel, and most likely a silver(chinchilla) tipped steel. We determined that in another thread, I think?

I saw a broken tort and a chinchilla in the other pics, and then a chinchilla lop by itself.

If you are breeding to that steel, you might get blacks (or false blacks), or all sorts of other colors. I'd almost put money on it carrying non-extension.

Breeding broken to non-broken will give you about 50% broken kits, assuming probability ever plays out. :roll:

Breeding the chinchilla to the broken tort...Well, hmm. It would really depend on the recessives they both carry. If they aren't carrying any recessives, you would get chestnut and broken chestnut.
Wow-I was excited before, but now I can't wait to see what we get:). Becca, she would make a great match for him, I wish you lived closer!
I agree that the doe looks like a torted tri so she is self based and if the buck carries self you have a 50% chance of self black and broken self black

However :cheesysmile:

In my experience, steel coupled with the harlequin gene often produces false blacks so you could get some black looking kits that may, or may not, develop ticking as they age
Thanks Dood, and everyone else for your opinions! Becca, lol,
I can see getting it to the post office but the other part to that is above my pay grade:)

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