What to feed if I can't get hay?

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Reaction score
South River, Ontario
I hope it doesn't come to this... But hay is sparse this year and I am having real trouble finding it.
And winter in Northern Ontario is very long.

We feed hay and pellets (and some grass in season).
If I really can't get enough hay is there a reasonable alternative? :x
Pick an area of your yard and start letting your grass grow. Once it is 12-16 inches tall, cut it a little above ground level with shears or scissors. Lay it out to dry for a couole days, then gather it together in bundles, tie it up at one end with some twine and hang it from the ceiling in your garage or basement.
Dried tree leaves. You want to try several kinds to see what they will eat. Apple, maple, mulberry for sure. Don't think they like oak. If you're lucky you can get bags full from neighbors when they rake their leaves.
You guys are awesome!
I already made my daughter start haying -- we have s long section of grass we have been feeding fresh, so she has her first batch drying-- thanks for the storage tips!
Trees are tough as we have mostly conifers.
But we have grass!

Right -- cubes are a possibility-- do you mean the compressed ones you soak?

Local farmers are hoarding LOL I need about 24 square bales but the last two years have been rough for hay and we are far enough north there are very few farms, only horse folks (hoarders!). I have literally turned up in people's hay fields and no luck! LOL
TF3":119jbjho said:
Right -- cubes are a possibility-- do you mean the compressed ones you soak?

Yeah, the compressed ones, but I don't think soaking would be a good idea for rabbits. (mold risk)
They manage to nibble the cubes apart just fine, and it's probably good for their teeth too.
heritage":2dsfnxpb said:
I always thought oak leaves were the main ones to feed... but that was coming from a breeder that I don't have much faith in anymore :? ...

Oak is high in tannin. I used to feed them when I had just pets. Now, besides the issue that there are no oak trees anywhere near me, I tend to avoid them.

I've gone without hay for most of my breeding time, especially the past two years. Too hard to find and transport. Doesn't seem to have bothered my woolers. The pet buns never ate the cubes, but these guys love them.
Get hay and preserve it. We don't feed our rabbits hay regularly. They'll be fine. Those who are more sensitive can get hay. Just watch for them getting fat
We are going to dry as much as we can.
I bought some cubes to try.
$15/ 50 pounds vs. $5 for 50 lb bale.
BUT assuming waste will be cut drastically.
And I don't have to find storage for 1000 lb or more at once, it may be worth it.
Good to know we can do without, too.

My panic right now is just having hay or straw for kindling does.
I called all around today to garden centers as a last ditch and they will have hay and straw late this month, so I can at least put a few bales aside for nests and emergencies.
I tried cubes tonight to varied responses~ but overall they all tried and some loved and some are not convinced... but still picking at it LOL