What to do...my does will not lift

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2013
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So, I have been trying to get our does (all Lionheads) to breed since September. I have 1 that has lifted but did not have a litter, the other 4 no such luck to even lifting. We have done the car ride, still nothing. Does using ACV help very much? We are wanting to get some does bred for our Nationals in May so the sooner the better for them to be taking to their breeding. The youngest doe is 5 months old, 6 months old (they both get a free pass since we just started to try with them), then we have 2 2year old does (both have had litters before with us), and 1 3 year old doe (has had litters before for us). I cannot recall for the life of me if it was one of the 2 year olds or if it was the 3 year old doe that lifted though. Our bucks we have tried with are 7 months old (he has fell off before but no litters yet), 11 months old (has had several litters before), and 2 1 year olds (1 has had a at least 1 litter before, the other I am not sure if he has or not since the previous owner did not tell me). All are in excellent health and are of a good weight for their breed.
Any and all suggestions would be great.
Mix equal parts oats, boss, and hard wheat kernels, with a tiny pinch of flax seed on top. Feed that to the does once a day. Also offer raspberry(leaves or tea) and parsley. Make sure they're getting lots of light.

That works for me every single time.
ACV does work for many, at 1 - 2 Tablespoons per gallon.

BOSS is another one that has worked for a lot of members.

The raspberry tea is a relatively new one that someone tried out of desperation, and some others have tried it with success, as well.

Any of these should take only a few days to work. :)
I've tried the acv thing,it didn't work for me. I'm having the same problem as you. I'll try the boss next time I go to tractor supply. What is it chemically about these that makes them supposedly work?

Guess I should also add a ? While I'm at it. What time during the day does everyone normally do the mating process?
Mine get a bit of BOSS in their grain mix and ACV in every bottle of water, just as a matter of course. To date, not one of my does has ever lifted, but we've had 3 litters so far. Silly wabbits, LOL
mystang89":12248sv0 said:
What time during the day does everyone normally do the mating process?

I've read that the morning is the best time. I've tried morning and evening and haven't noticed a lot of difference. My does do seem to be marginally more receptive in the morning, though it's not a big enough difference to really take note.

I have two does that seem to hate breeding and I have to lift them myself for the bucks to get their job done. They're bred now, but I'll try some of the tricks above and see if they become more receptive. Thanks all around, not only for the answers, but for asking the question as well. :)
mystang89":1zlzwkob said:
I've tried the acv thing,it didn't work for me. I'm having the same problem as you. I'll try the boss next time I go to tractor supply. What is it chemically about these that makes them supposedly work?

Guess I should also add a ? While I'm at it. What time during the day does everyone normally do the mating process?

I do it whenever I feel like... but usually later at night, because I'm often busy during the day.

I think it's not something chemical that makes boss work, exactly... I've explained it to people before as convincing the doe's body into think that there is an abundance of food, because boss is so rich and full of oil. If the doe has a lot to eat, her body thinks it is a good time to reproduce, as there will be a lot for the kits to eat. Mind you, that's my completely made up reason, it seems like it would make sense, but there's a chance it's completely wrong ;)
Bad Habit":o3zhkz0q said:
mystang89":o3zhkz0q said:
I've tried the acv thing,it didn't work for me. I'm having the same problem as you. I'll try the boss next time I go to tractor supply. What is it chemically about these that makes them supposedly work?

Guess I should also add a ? While I'm at it. What time during the day does everyone normally do the mating process?

I do it whenever I feel like... but usually later at night, because I'm often busy during the day.

I think it's not something chemical that makes boss work, exactly... I've explained it to people before as convincing the doe's body into think that there is an abundance of food, because boss is so rich and full of oil. If the doe has a lot to eat, her body thinks it is a good time to reproduce, as there will be a lot for the kits to eat. Mind you, that's my completely made up reason, it seems like it would make sense, but there's a chance it's completely wrong ;)

i sure like the reasoning behind it.

I've tried about everything. They will lift when they want to and breed when they want to.
I give raspberry tea on occasion and have had success with it and other breeders I've suggested to have also had success. I usually leave it in their water for 2-3 days and then try breeding.....however, I know they will not breed before a major molt (When you see the hair behind their neck changing/coming in) . They are putting all their nutrients into building the next coat.
If you used a watering system could one brew up an extra strong batch of raspberry tea and put it in the bucket?

I have EIGHT junior does that still havnt lifted!

So I feel your pain. :lol:
I have some BOSS, parsley, and ACV at the house. All of our buns have had everything but the ACV in the past so I might try giving all the does everything tomorrow and give the bucks some ACV too. Fingers are crossed that we get some does bred this weekend.
Seems like a lot of people have trouble getting those darned does to lift.

Maybe we need to be asking the does what they really look for in a buck. :lol:

On a serious note, I was always advised to keep the does cage next to the bucks, so she can get used to seeing and smelling him. Anticipation perhaps?
Badhabit, do you give your magic formula in addition to the regular ration of pellets and hay (or whatever you feed), or feed only that for a few days?

I had no problems with does all year, even during the height of summer, but during the past month, all of my Champagnes have decided to go on strike. Now I just found 9 American kits in one new litter and the other American plucking fur, but the Champagnes are sitting around doing nothing....

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