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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2010
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New Zealand Black doe had 9 kits. Bred to an agouti buck. I am assuming he is a mixed breed.
They usually have red, white, black, and agouti kits.
Then surprise! 2 angora looking kits. Very wooly! 1 gray or black, 1 orange. I don't know what to do with them. They are not meaty like their siblings, they are smaller and the orange one is skinny.
So how did I get wool?
On the plus side, I can use more wool for nestboxes from time to time. On the other hand, they get matted so quickly.
The matting would depend on what type of wool they actually have. Some wooly breeds don't matt as easily as others.
I had some Angora kits pop up in my meat mutts several years ago when I bred a young buck back to his mother. They looked like pure French Angoras, but I found that they matted badly so I sent them to freezer camp at about six months. I hated to do it because they were the biggest and fastest growing kits in the litter, but I just don't have the time for regular grooming. I learned later that if I had hung in there with them, they may not have required as much maintenance once they had their full adult coat.

Your case is a bit different, since the kits are skinny and undersized. Unless you are into the whole idea of Angoras, you would likely be best not to keep them.
If they truly have wool, both parents must carry it.a rabbit is considred purebred with a 3 generation pedigree.some lines of Holland lop carry the wool gene.
I bred a Satin Angora to a florida white, and she is due next week. I assumed they would all be short haired like the FW. I thought it was a double recessive, but now I'm learning they won't be wooly, but they may have longer fur? Can't wait to see what these meat bunnies look like!
I get woolly kits popping up regularly. They do tend to grow a bit slower than the others. Lots of fur, not much muscle. But they catch up. I cull them all because I have no patience for grooming.

But if the fur wouldn't get any longer than this, I'd be temped to keep some of the fuzzballs anyway.

Here are some pics of the 2 fuzzy kits with another rabbit. I was able to cut off most of the mats in their wool, but they still look funny. After I get the rest of the mats out I will groom them regularily while I figure out what I want to do with them.
They are about 10.5 weeks old now I think.


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Fuzzybuns! Too cute- especially the orange one! I had a fuzzylop house bunny many years ago named HassenPfeffer- but my husband called her "Stew"! LOL!
"HassenPfeffer".....HAHAHA nice!
"I have *heard* that there is Angora in New Zealand backgrounds. Just a rumor I've heard." .... really? Hmm I will have to look that up. :)
They would make cute slippers! My Hubs and I think Ug-type boots would be awesome made with some pelts from our Rex Rabbits! Note to self: learn how to be a Cobbler...