what should I add to pellets to improve show codition?

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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2011
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My mom bought a werid brand of pellets that have 18% protein...what can I add to feed to improve show quality and help 5 and 1/2 week old babies gain weight and improve shpw quality? also does anyone use quaker oats? I have heard that rabbits don't like rolled oats yet mine love quaker oats...also should I add show blow to pellets? or some other formula to improve show quality?
I'm not sure about improving show quality, but I do know rabbits LOVE rolled oats (my does would push the kits away from their little dish so she could inhale all the yummy goodness). They help add weight, and are easy to digest, so young or sick kits get them here a lot... but I had to stop getting Quaker because they would eat so much that it was getting expensive. Then I got the "rolled" oats from the feed store, and it is NOTHING like I expected, so I won't be feeding it to my kits. It was mostly chaff, I don't think it was cleaned once.
I feed a mix of race horse oats, Boss, Barley Calf mana and flax seed. I do 1 part of each to 6 parts Feed (I used to do 4 parts feed but they eat it better at 6 parts feed). Also I got this recipe from a well known show person here so I trust her.
Why do you need to add something to an 18% pellet? You shouldn't need more fat from a pellet like that so I doubt grains would help much. BOSS could add to their coat quality because it contains vitamins and minerals that help with that like vitamin E and omega fatty acids. Flaxseed is also good and will balance the omega fatty acids in boss but is a little harder to find in bulk and even then still a bit costly but you only need a teaspoon or 2 per rabbit. Both of these would end up lowering the protein of your feed.
You know...I've been watching the shorter furred rabbits now for 2year + (as compared to the angoras) and have found that during the summer, when they get a ton of dandelion and mulberry, their coats are super shiny and rich looking. I'd need a lot of research before saying straight out that it was the dandelions or mulberry that does it, but it's sure obvious about a month after the first hard frost that the coats are getting dull.

Just a thought, since the growing season is upon us.
I buy steam rolled oats, it's basically the same thing as old fashioned Quaker Oats. I pay about $18 for a 50 lb bag, but it's much cheaper than buying the Quaker Oats from the grocery store, I was going through them too fast. I feed Purina Rabbit Chow, Professional formula, it's 18%, and I also feed the steam rolled oats, and BOSS. They all have great coats. I feed my herd buck Fibre 3, it's only 15% protein and it keeps him from getting too over weight. Since he's not being shown and is older, he doesn't need that high of a protein pellet. I do give him the steam rolled oats and BOSS just because he really enjoys both of them.
Anntann":2ymaoh8y said:
You know...I've been watching the shorter furred rabbits now for 2year + (as compared to the angoras) and have found that during the summer, when they get a ton of dandelion and mulberry, their coats are super shiny and rich looking. I'd need a lot of research before saying straight out that it was the dandelions or mulberry that does it, but it's sure obvious about a month after the first hard frost that the coats are getting dull.

Just a thought, since the growing season is upon us.
Back when I was a kid I always wished my bay mare had dapples, but she didn't. I read that dandelions would give a horse dapples if they got alot. I must have picked and fed her all the dandelions in a mile radius that summer. And you know what? It worked. Anntann you may be onto something...
okay--- a new way to alter the coat-- no more need to buy 'coat care products'!!!I guess my transplanting lots of dandelions to my little plot is more than crazy-- it is beneficial!!!
Sunflower seeds the little black ones will give a shine too the coat.barley is for firmness,calf manna and oats are usually fed.I dont mix it with the pellets.feed in a seperate bowl or they will scratch out the pellets too get the goodies.start at least two weeks before a show.

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